


March 16, 2013

Financial Prosecutors To Investigate Municipal Authorities That Have Been in Power Since 2003!

Talk about a development! The Financial Prosecutors Spyros Mouzakitis and Grigoris Peponis -otherwise known as the dynamic duo- ordered the Financial Crimes Squad (SDOE) to investigate every local authority official in Greece as well as anyone who has worked in significant positions in municipalities, prefectures and regional authorities since 2003. The obvious reasons behind this new inquiry, which comes only a couple of weeks after former Thessaloniki Mayor Vassilis Papageorgopoulos was jailed for embezzling municipal funds, is because municipal authorities are one of the largest groups of politicians that are literally up to their heads in corruption.

As part of the probe, SDOE is going to have the power to obtain officials’ bank details as it searches for evidence of bribe taking, money laundering as well as other corrupt practices. The investigation is expected to begin from the largest municipalities and regional authorities in Greece.