


February 1, 2013

Why Is The West Intervening To Cancel Albanian Maritime Pact with Greece?

George W. Bush and Sali Berisha during a joint...
George W. Bush and Sali Berisha during a joint press conference in Tirana, Albania (credit: Wikipedia)
The Albanian newspaper "SOT" recently referred to a meeting of US Ambassador to Albania Alexander Arvizou, with leaders of The "Red and Black" Alliance, in Tirana. According to the paper, the agreement signed between Greece and Tirana stipulates that Albania has to avoid the inclusion of any other state which can have an impact on it. (Kind of makes sense, but apparently this was not received well by the West.)

As such, says the article, the US government is rather displeased with the present agreement and bases its story from the recent statements made from the American Ambassador in Albania who it adds held a meeting with the leaders of the Albanian Red and Black alliance. The Red and Black Alliance (Albanian: Aleanca Kuq e Zi) is a ultra nationalist political party in Albania which was created by Kreshnik Spahiu, the former Deputy Head of the High Council of Justice of Albania. On March 20, 2012 the Alliance turned into a political party.

In all reality, the US is displeased because it wanted to be present (?????) at the signing of the territorial waters agreement between Greece and Albania, but the Athens and Tirana governments at the time avoided the US Embassy there and secretly signed the deal. We here at HellasFrappe believe that this is probably why the US is now holding talks with the leaders of the ultra-right Red and Black Alliance party because it wants the present deal abolished and the government of Sali Berisha is not willing to do that.

The agreement, which delimited the respective areas of continental shelf and territorial waters in the Ionian Sea, was signed in Tirana in April 2009 after two years of negotiations. However, the Albanian government’s main opposition force, the Socialist Party (good friends of George Papandreou), (surprise, surprise) contested the accord and accused the government of holding negotiations in secret and giving up an area of about  225 square kilometres in exchange of future political support from neighbouring Greece. (An argument that has no basis...) As a result, the Socialist Party officially requested the constitutional court to rule on the legitimacy of the maritime agreement. Seeing that the general population was turning towards the Right, the West stopped using the socialist party to do its bidding and turned to the ultra right Red and Black Alliance! (Let us not forget that its leader is a former member of the constitutional court... coincidence?)

The author of the article also states that he fully supports the political voices in Tirana that have rejected the present agreement and believes that their move to take it to the highest courts was correct.

From what we learn, the US has interests in the area and wants to build a military base in Jal, South Albania. We also hear that Turkey has a naval base in Albania as well and we all know that Washington has always favored Turkey over Greece.

And here is an eye-opener for some:

The author of the article also says that Greece has been targeting Turkey by claiming that Ankara is intervening in Albanian affairs to cancel the deal.

And we ask ... Hasn't it? What kind of dimwit author is this anyway? OBVIOUSLY Turkey has! And we here at HellasFrappe can list a hundred reasons and arguments to back up this theory! In fact in previous reports here on HellasFrappe we had stated that by using Albania, Ankara wants to encircle Greece and have permanent defensive operations that begin in Albania and reach the deepest end of the Eastern Mediterranean.

(Read the relevant articles by clicking here).
August 27, 2011 - Turkey fixed on encircling Greece with the help of Libyan rebels
November 13, 2012: SPECIAL REPORT - Vultures Everywhere! Albania Also Wants A Share Of Greek Hydrocarbons

Let us not forget that in 2011 and a little after the announcement of the Greek-Cypriot and Israeli axis, Turkey began making even more moves in Albania. An article on newsbomb had said at the time that Turkish propaganda was endorsing and (possibly funding) the idea of a "Greater Albania" in order to pressure Greece even more. Money is the only item that rules in Albania, and unfortunately our neighbors will not hesitate to give earth and water to the Turks. This is probably why they signed a military cooperation pact with Ankara and now the Turkish navy can move comfortably in Albanian territorial waters as well as anchor its naval base in Durres, (another project that was funded by Ankara).

Also, it should be noted that these two countries are collaborating on all levels (including military education at Turkish military bases) and from what we learn Ankara is even handing out full-fledged scholarships to Albanians who embrace Islam.

Our opinion here at HellasFrappe is that Turkey is basically using Albania as a scapegoat so that it can promote its Ottoman imperialistic dreams. In fact some believe that Turkey is trying to restore the influence it had in the Balkans and the wider region just like it did when the Ottoman Empire was at its peak.

Maybe the West is using Turkish influence in the area for its own intent and purposes, and at the same time Ankara is benefitting from its dream which is to revive Ottoman rule. One reason we believe this, aside from their tight relations, is based on an article we read that appeared in the Balkan report in 2011 titled "NATO’s Secret Armies: Cold War Paramilitaries and Turkey’s Security State". Here is the link -

We suggest that you read it, and then begin placing the pieces of the puzzle for yourselves.

Finally... we here at HellasFrappe really want to know why the Greek Diaspora in Washington has not picked up on all of this, and why it continues to remain idle on all subjects that concern Greek national interests.
