


February 3, 2013

PROVOCATION - Gov't Slams Turkish Reports Claiming Greece Is Training Terrorists In Lavrio

The news coming out of Turkey this weekend can only be described as being provocative, and very, very suspicious and one cannot help but wonder, what exactly is Ankara up to this time? The latest provocation involves Prime Minister Antonis Samaras, who according to Turkish press reports, addressed issues that deal with the training of terrorists in Greece with his Turkish counterpart T.Erdogan! Yes, believe it or not folks, newspapers in Turkey are claiming that Greeks are training suicide bombers and then shipping them off to Turkey!

Talk about propaganda! Or at least this what the the Turkish press said on Sunday. But hey, the lies only get better. The same Turkish press sources even left it to be understood that the suicide bomber, responsible for a tragic terrorist attack at the US Embassy in Constantinople on Friday, entered Turkey through Greece after being "trained at a Kurdish terrorist camp in Lavrion"!

More exactly, the Turkish newspaper Sabah said in an article on Sunday that "terrorist Ecevit Sanli entered Turkey after illegally crossing into the country from a Greek island, and later he began preparing his plan (for the bombing)." This ridiculous comment from the author of Sabah is not based on any type of evidence and we here at HellasFrappe personally believe that all Ankara wants to do is create a hostile climate between the two countries. One week they openly threaten us if we dare to declare our EEZ, the next week they say we are a breeding ground for terrorists... You follow what we mean? There is obviously something happening here and it is obvious they are trying to set a mood, or setting us up for something.

Luckily, the Greek government is monitoring the events closely. So much so, that after this new wave of provocative lies were published, the Foreign Ministry issued a statement slamming the report as well as refuted the claim that Samaras and Erdogan discussed such issues of national security.

The Greek Ministry of Foreign Affairs noted that there was never any mention of this issue during Samaras' meeting with Erdogan. "If this indeed had occurred, then the Greek Prime Minister would have given an adequate response."

The statement said that: For yet another time, the Greek government unequivocally rejects and contradicts these claims, "that have for some unsubstantiated, arbitrary and suspicious reason reappeared in specific Turkish newspapers." There are no such terrorist camps of training grounds of this sort in Greece and there never has been. Greece, has been a victim of terrorism and is committed in the international fight against it. Ankara, added the statement, only knows this too well through official and formal channels. These claims, which are unconvincing (and ridiculous in our opinion), "only poison public opinion and undermine relations between the two countries. As for the recent horrific terrorist attack (in Constantinople), Greece was the first country to condemn it, and we expressed our support both to the US, and to the Turkish government."

This article can be cross-referenced with the Greek article on - defencenet