


February 8, 2013

Greek Pomaks Slam Turkey And Say They Are Very Satisfied Over New Education Law

The chairman of the Panhellenic Association of Pomaks,  Mr. Ahmed Imam, recently welcomed the amendment to Law No. 3536/2007 regarding the appointment of Muslim religious teachers (or Imams) in public schools. He said that his community wanted to congratulate all the parliamentarians who did not succumb to pressure (and blackmail) from the Turkish Consulate in Komotini (as well as to pressure from Ankara) over an issue which clearly only concerns the Greek state. The announcement, which was published on reads as follows:
"The adoption of this amendment contributes greatly to the fairness and equality between Christians and Muslims. These procedures are an internal matter of Greece and Turkey -and other foreign interests- have no right to intervene. The issue does not relate legaly and historically, in any which way, with the reopening of the Theological School of Halki.
If Turkey wants to elect muftis or imams (in Greece) then it should set an example first by doing the same in its own territory. Besides, the election of the clergy is contrary to Islamic law itself, because it sows hatred, discord and antagonism among believers.
Turkish demands for such elections are purely of a political nature that are directed toward the domination of Greece (and territory) in Greek Thrace and are against the Muslim population in Thrace, which (Ankara) is trying to manipulate by trying to turn them against their own homeland Greece."
Editor's Note - We couldn't have said it better ourselves! BRAVO Ellinares mou!