


February 8, 2013

Gov't Adopts Amendment Putting An End to Sales Of Greek Islands To Turks

A new amendment which signed on Friday by the Minister of National Defence Panos Panagiotopoulos and Public Order Minister Nikos Dendias, puts a barrier to the sale of islands and/or islets, to private or public interests (the latter the "companionship" of TAIPED otherwise known as the state privatization fund) after the revelation that the present legal framework was placing Greece at a national risk.

According to a report on defencenet, Prime Minister Antonis Samaras instructed State Secretary Mr. P.Mpaltakos to investigate the legal framework surrounding this issue, which was recently brought to public attention by the military news site (example: the islets of Tokmakia near the island of Mytinini and the sale of an island to Turkish interests). The results of the investigation, according to the news site, only confirmed what it had suspected all along, that there was a huge gap in national security with the present legislation.

After consulting with the Minister of National Defence and the Minister of Public Order, Mpaltakos, who from the beginning had shown particular sensitivity to the issue, immediately drafted the amendment (and changed the wording to "absolute" so as to not allow it to be open to misinterpretation). Following this, the amendment was immediately signed by all the relevant ministers, and tabled in the Greek Parliament on Friday.

The amendment now clearly states that the sale of any Greek island needs the approval of the Department of National Defence and the Ministry of Public Order, otherwise the sale is void. As such, the sale of an island near Mytillini to Turkish interests is now 100 percent defacto VOID, since the law has a retroactive effect!

Editor;s Note - Better late than ever. Good work defencenet!

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