


February 21, 2013

Fox News Slams Papandreou - Teaching Capabilities Questioned

George Papandreou (junior)
(Photo credit: Wikipedia)
Eureka! At least someone in the US is starting to "get it". In a recent report Fox News focused on former Premier George Papandreou and the fact that although he wrecked the Greek economy, he was able to land a small teaching job at Columbia University teaching others how to govern a crisis.

(We knew were not alone, sooner or later common sense would sink in!)

The report even slammed the Ivy League school for characterizing Greece as a “living laboratory” for key global public policy challenges.
"Bringing in the man who led Greece when its economy cratered - and then went begging for bailouts - had some critics second-guessing the Manhattan school."
Noooo.... really?

Speaking to Fox News one source said that it was good that students get to know firsthand knowledge of someone who was in the situation but at the same time take into account that his party has been responsible for the growth in government excess that has been a problem since 1981.
"The unsustainable promises his party made to the Greek people have now come home to roost. He’s been intimately involved in creating all of the problems that Greece now has today. He’s been intimately involved in creating all of the problems that Greece now has today."
Nonetheless it still didn't stop Columbia from hiring him and why should it. Papandreou -like many other wannabes- are opportunists and part of the 1 percent and as we all know the 1 percent protects its own. (Besides, doesn't George Soros fund Columbia, and isn't he a close friend of Papandreou? If yes, then it all makes perfect sense).

Some Americans, on the other hand, especially those at Columbia University, beg to differ. They see Papandreou as being more of a "trophy than a tutor", or at least that is what the report on Fox said, even though they know deep down inside that the man is not qualified to teach, let alone enlighten young minds on matters that deal with the economy. 
“I have no idea what he [Papandreou] is going to be teaching,” one source told Fox, “but one thing he shouldn’t be teaching is how to run an economy. He might want to teach them how to run an economy into the ground.”
Good publicity, bad publicity, we bet our bottom dollar that tens if not hundreds of students will rush to take part in his lectures because in the US "glam" and "hollywood" takes over common sense. Don't say we didn't warn you...

To read the Fox article click here
Greek tragedy? Papandreou to lecture Ivy Leaguers on leading in crisis