July 4, 2012
According to press reports, all the MPs of the Golden Dawn party are apparently going to gift their ministerial luxury cars to several poor families who have more than four children. This generous and Nobel gesture will surely help several families who cannot afford to purchase automobiles because they have too many children. Golden Dawn spokesman Elias Kassidiaris said on twitter that "With the keys in hand, as soon as I receive the automobile, I will give it to an eight-member family. Privileges should be given to citizens, not to the Greek Parliament". (Original article in Greek elnewsgr)
Editor's Note - We are speechless... Bravo stin Xrysi Avgi.
Golden Dawn MPs To Gift Luxury Ministerial Cars To Unprivileged Families
According to press reports, all the MPs of the Golden Dawn party are apparently going to gift their ministerial luxury cars to several poor families who have more than four children. This generous and Nobel gesture will surely help several families who cannot afford to purchase automobiles because they have too many children. Golden Dawn spokesman Elias Kassidiaris said on twitter that "With the keys in hand, as soon as I receive the automobile, I will give it to an eight-member family. Privileges should be given to citizens, not to the Greek Parliament". (Original article in Greek elnewsgr)
Editor's Note - We are speechless... Bravo stin Xrysi Avgi.
As the sabre rattling towards Iran and the ongoing tragedy in Syria become increasingly hard to unravel, media errors or perhaps even obfuscation create their own navigational complexities. One example: on Sunday, the 1st of July, BBC news programmes repeatedly stated that Syrian troops had fired at mourners at a funeral in or near Damascus (i.) Para 4: "Meanwhile, activists said a funeral procession in a suburb of Damascus came under mortar attack and 30 people died. The UK-based Syrian Observatory for Human Rights released amateur video footage claiming to show the explosion in Zamalka, a town 10 kilometers (six miles) east of the Syrian capital. There has been no independent confirmation of the incident."
However the Los Angeles Times had an entirely different take (ii.). A car bomb, not Syrian troops, had killed up to eighty-five mourners or members of the public: "The car bomb went off as the procession passed a mosque. Hazy video clouded by dust in the first moments after the explosion showed dozens of mangled bodies lying on the road and the stretcher carrying Halabi's body on the ground nearby. 'I can't describe my feelings, because I am still numb right now given what I saw today,' said Abu Omar, whose cousin was killed and father and uncle injured. No one can withstand what we saw' ..."
Whilst, clearly in shock, not citing facts, the witness also blamed the government. However, at least he had a name, there was a first hand description of events and the graphic picture shows this was no random shooting.
The BBC seems to rely near entirely, as above, on un-named "activists say" sources - or the "Syrian Observatory for Human Rights," allegedly a one man satellite dish fitter from Coventry, in England's West Midlands. Given the shocking recent picture of victims of a "massacre in Syria," shown by the BBC and (iii) presumably from their own archives, it turned out to be a massacre where responsibility lay far closer to home - one resultant from the illegal US-UK invasion of Iraq in 2003 - the BBC's score card for accurate reporting surely currently reads: "Must do better." These are two incidents of many, leaving an impression of leading and biased coverage. The impression is often of the BBC more as cheer leader for a new invasion rather than an impartial news gathering organisation.
Many scholarly articles have been written comparing the complexities in Syria with the Balkans conflict of the 1990s (eg: iv) including foreign interference and funding - and media bias. After the NATO assault on the Balkans, the BBC's defense correspondent of eleven years, Mark Laity, who had covered the conflict, joined NATO at their Brussels headquarters as deputy to their chief spokesman, Jamie Shea. (v)
Laity rose to become Chief of Strategic Communications at SHAPE (Supreme Headquarters Allied Powers in Europe), which commands all NATO military operations.
The BBC receives a large amount of funding from the British Foreign and Commonwealth Office, supposedly the diplomatic arm of the government whose Foreign Secretaries, of whichever political persuasion, have long favoured "war, war", over "jaw, jaw" to misquote another war monger. UK Foreign Secretary, William Hague, has missed no opportunity to join US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton in declaring that the sovereign government of President Assad of Syria: " ... must go," and indeed advocating Britain's funding of the insurgents. Whilst the Foreign Office funds go to the BBC World Service, that arm of the organization clearly plays, understandably, a vital role. "Constitutionally, BBC World Service forms an integral part of the BBC Global News Division which also contains BBC World and the BBC's international-facing online news services." (vii)
Interesting to note is that the BBC also applied for funding from the US State Department, in a deal to combat censorship. "The funding is also expected to be used to educate people in countries with state censorship on how to circumnavigate the blocking of internet and TV services." Governments who have an interest in denying people information particularly at times of tension and upheaval are keen to do this and it is a particular problem now," said BBC Controller of Business and Strategy, Jim Egan..(viii)
The deal was expected to be formally announced on International Press Freedom Day, on the 3rd of May. Seemingly, though, funding the British state broadcaster met with some hostility in the US, and the arrangement currently seems to have foundered. It has certainly gone very quiet. (ix)
Ironically on the 30th of June, Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov's criticisms from the Geneva summit about the Western media's news coverage of the situation in Syria, allegedly led the BBC to interrupt his speech with a weather forecast. "Lavrov's press conference at the Geneva meeting on Saturday, June 30, provided another chance for the BBC to show its bias against the Syrian government," stated Press TV, the media outlet of one of the countries the State Department funding was meant to "liberate" from censorship - Iran. (x.)
Prepared for publication by:
by Felicity Arbuthnot
Lisa Karpova
Media Minefields and the Fog of War
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credit pravda |
As the sabre rattling towards Iran and the ongoing tragedy in Syria become increasingly hard to unravel, media errors or perhaps even obfuscation create their own navigational complexities. One example: on Sunday, the 1st of July, BBC news programmes repeatedly stated that Syrian troops had fired at mourners at a funeral in or near Damascus (i.) Para 4: "Meanwhile, activists said a funeral procession in a suburb of Damascus came under mortar attack and 30 people died. The UK-based Syrian Observatory for Human Rights released amateur video footage claiming to show the explosion in Zamalka, a town 10 kilometers (six miles) east of the Syrian capital. There has been no independent confirmation of the incident."
However the Los Angeles Times had an entirely different take (ii.). A car bomb, not Syrian troops, had killed up to eighty-five mourners or members of the public: "The car bomb went off as the procession passed a mosque. Hazy video clouded by dust in the first moments after the explosion showed dozens of mangled bodies lying on the road and the stretcher carrying Halabi's body on the ground nearby. 'I can't describe my feelings, because I am still numb right now given what I saw today,' said Abu Omar, whose cousin was killed and father and uncle injured. No one can withstand what we saw' ..."
Whilst, clearly in shock, not citing facts, the witness also blamed the government. However, at least he had a name, there was a first hand description of events and the graphic picture shows this was no random shooting.
The BBC seems to rely near entirely, as above, on un-named "activists say" sources - or the "Syrian Observatory for Human Rights," allegedly a one man satellite dish fitter from Coventry, in England's West Midlands. Given the shocking recent picture of victims of a "massacre in Syria," shown by the BBC and (iii) presumably from their own archives, it turned out to be a massacre where responsibility lay far closer to home - one resultant from the illegal US-UK invasion of Iraq in 2003 - the BBC's score card for accurate reporting surely currently reads: "Must do better." These are two incidents of many, leaving an impression of leading and biased coverage. The impression is often of the BBC more as cheer leader for a new invasion rather than an impartial news gathering organisation.
Many scholarly articles have been written comparing the complexities in Syria with the Balkans conflict of the 1990s (eg: iv) including foreign interference and funding - and media bias. After the NATO assault on the Balkans, the BBC's defense correspondent of eleven years, Mark Laity, who had covered the conflict, joined NATO at their Brussels headquarters as deputy to their chief spokesman, Jamie Shea. (v)
Laity rose to become Chief of Strategic Communications at SHAPE (Supreme Headquarters Allied Powers in Europe), which commands all NATO military operations.
The BBC receives a large amount of funding from the British Foreign and Commonwealth Office, supposedly the diplomatic arm of the government whose Foreign Secretaries, of whichever political persuasion, have long favoured "war, war", over "jaw, jaw" to misquote another war monger. UK Foreign Secretary, William Hague, has missed no opportunity to join US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton in declaring that the sovereign government of President Assad of Syria: " ... must go," and indeed advocating Britain's funding of the insurgents. Whilst the Foreign Office funds go to the BBC World Service, that arm of the organization clearly plays, understandably, a vital role. "Constitutionally, BBC World Service forms an integral part of the BBC Global News Division which also contains BBC World and the BBC's international-facing online news services." (vii)
Interesting to note is that the BBC also applied for funding from the US State Department, in a deal to combat censorship. "The funding is also expected to be used to educate people in countries with state censorship on how to circumnavigate the blocking of internet and TV services." Governments who have an interest in denying people information particularly at times of tension and upheaval are keen to do this and it is a particular problem now," said BBC Controller of Business and Strategy, Jim Egan..(viii)
The deal was expected to be formally announced on International Press Freedom Day, on the 3rd of May. Seemingly, though, funding the British state broadcaster met with some hostility in the US, and the arrangement currently seems to have foundered. It has certainly gone very quiet. (ix)
Ironically on the 30th of June, Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov's criticisms from the Geneva summit about the Western media's news coverage of the situation in Syria, allegedly led the BBC to interrupt his speech with a weather forecast. "Lavrov's press conference at the Geneva meeting on Saturday, June 30, provided another chance for the BBC to show its bias against the Syrian government," stated Press TV, the media outlet of one of the countries the State Department funding was meant to "liberate" from censorship - Iran. (x.)
Prepared for publication by:
by Felicity Arbuthnot
Lisa Karpova
Click on red links to cross-reference article
A disturbing new report prepared by the Federal Security Service (FSB) states that in the past three weeks American rebel forces battling against the US government have “retaliated in force” after the massacre of at least 380 men, women and children attending a clandestine Michigan meeting held earlier last month who were targeted for annihilation by the Obama regime.
According to this report, the first attack was carried out on 17 June by Anson Chi who was badly injured when his bomb failed to properly detonate a major gas pipeline in Plano, Texas. US expert Don Deaver stated to Texas media sources that if Chi had been successful in detonating his bomb this attack would have been “catastrophic.”
The Washington Post News Service further reports that Chi has been lashing out for years online against what he sees as governmental oppression. His Facebook page includes postings in which he criticizes the Federal Reserve, calling it a private bank. “What does this mean? It means your life is under control by greedy private bankers, especially since they print YOUR money based on nothing but thin air! Slavery never ended....,” he wrote.
The second attack of this “rebel rampage” against the Obama regime occurred two days later on 19 June, this report says, when another bomb attempt against a gas pipeline was made against hotel in Nashville, Tennessee where nearly 5,000 local US Sheriffs and their guests were holding a convention. Though this bomb did detonate, the FSB says, it was placed on the wrong side of the regulator and no one was injured in this attack.
The third, and deadliest, attack occurred on 24 June when two trains crashed in a fiery head-on collision in the Oklahoma Panhandle killing 3 crew members. According to this report, this rebel attack against the Obama regime was the most ominous in that the level of computer sophistication used to put these two trains on the same track going at high rates of speed prove the American rebel forces skills at causing “massive destruction events.”
According to the Infowars.Com News Service, the Obama regime was quick to lash out against these rebel forces with a new study funded by the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) that characterizes Americans who are “suspicious of centralized federal authority,” and “reverent of individual liberty” as “extreme right-wing” terrorists.
This FSB report also notes that tensions between American rebel forces and the Obama regime are bound to escalate after the US Supreme Court made a recent ruling severely limiting the Federal Governments right to interfere with its individual States.
Though this ruling appeared to support what is called “Obamacare” after the US Supreme Court turned its mandate into a tax, the New York Times News Service states that, in fact, the federal government may have won the battle but lost the war as its powers over the States was severely curtailed for the first time in decades.
As the Obama regime is reportedly hiring nearly 17,000 Internal Revenue Service agents to begin compelling Americans to accept the provisions of Obamacare, this report continues, the curtailing of federal government powers by the US Supreme Court leaves the individual States to opt out of this controversial healthcare law and which many of them have already stated they will do.
The greatest danger to the United States now, this report warns, is that in 1869, following the American Civil War, the US Supreme Court ruled that even though the unilateral secession of the individual States was unconstitutional, they further noted that revolution or consent of the States could lead to a successful secession.
The practical effect of these US Supreme Court rulings, FSB legal experts note in this report, is that an Obama regime faced with a growing rebellion among its populace would be defenseless against a group of States deciding to secede and throw off the yoke of federal government tyranny.
Interesting to note, and confirming the growing tension in the US, is a new Pew Research Center report released early last month stating that America is more divided than ever along partisan lines, and that the differences between Democrats and Republicans outstrip differences between Americans of different races, genders, ages and incomes, a situation not seen since the Civil War years of the late 1850’s and 1860’s.
Important to note, too, and as we’ve seen in Egypt, Syria, Libya, etc., the Obama regime, like all tyrannical dictatorships, is maintaining a stringent news blackout on their growing battle with American rebel forces and which, shamefully, the “mainstream” US media is supporting.
To what will be the “final spark” that ignites a full scale civil war in America this report does not say, other than to note they expect it to occur “much sooner than later.”
Sorcha Faal
CONSPIRACY - Report Says That Civil War Can Soon Spark In North America
Click on red links to cross-reference article
A disturbing new report prepared by the Federal Security Service (FSB) states that in the past three weeks American rebel forces battling against the US government have “retaliated in force” after the massacre of at least 380 men, women and children attending a clandestine Michigan meeting held earlier last month who were targeted for annihilation by the Obama regime.
According to this report, the first attack was carried out on 17 June by Anson Chi who was badly injured when his bomb failed to properly detonate a major gas pipeline in Plano, Texas. US expert Don Deaver stated to Texas media sources that if Chi had been successful in detonating his bomb this attack would have been “catastrophic.”
The Washington Post News Service further reports that Chi has been lashing out for years online against what he sees as governmental oppression. His Facebook page includes postings in which he criticizes the Federal Reserve, calling it a private bank. “What does this mean? It means your life is under control by greedy private bankers, especially since they print YOUR money based on nothing but thin air! Slavery never ended....,” he wrote.
The second attack of this “rebel rampage” against the Obama regime occurred two days later on 19 June, this report says, when another bomb attempt against a gas pipeline was made against hotel in Nashville, Tennessee where nearly 5,000 local US Sheriffs and their guests were holding a convention. Though this bomb did detonate, the FSB says, it was placed on the wrong side of the regulator and no one was injured in this attack.
The third, and deadliest, attack occurred on 24 June when two trains crashed in a fiery head-on collision in the Oklahoma Panhandle killing 3 crew members. According to this report, this rebel attack against the Obama regime was the most ominous in that the level of computer sophistication used to put these two trains on the same track going at high rates of speed prove the American rebel forces skills at causing “massive destruction events.”
According to the Infowars.Com News Service, the Obama regime was quick to lash out against these rebel forces with a new study funded by the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) that characterizes Americans who are “suspicious of centralized federal authority,” and “reverent of individual liberty” as “extreme right-wing” terrorists.
This FSB report also notes that tensions between American rebel forces and the Obama regime are bound to escalate after the US Supreme Court made a recent ruling severely limiting the Federal Governments right to interfere with its individual States.
Though this ruling appeared to support what is called “Obamacare” after the US Supreme Court turned its mandate into a tax, the New York Times News Service states that, in fact, the federal government may have won the battle but lost the war as its powers over the States was severely curtailed for the first time in decades.
As the Obama regime is reportedly hiring nearly 17,000 Internal Revenue Service agents to begin compelling Americans to accept the provisions of Obamacare, this report continues, the curtailing of federal government powers by the US Supreme Court leaves the individual States to opt out of this controversial healthcare law and which many of them have already stated they will do.
The greatest danger to the United States now, this report warns, is that in 1869, following the American Civil War, the US Supreme Court ruled that even though the unilateral secession of the individual States was unconstitutional, they further noted that revolution or consent of the States could lead to a successful secession.
The practical effect of these US Supreme Court rulings, FSB legal experts note in this report, is that an Obama regime faced with a growing rebellion among its populace would be defenseless against a group of States deciding to secede and throw off the yoke of federal government tyranny.
Interesting to note, and confirming the growing tension in the US, is a new Pew Research Center report released early last month stating that America is more divided than ever along partisan lines, and that the differences between Democrats and Republicans outstrip differences between Americans of different races, genders, ages and incomes, a situation not seen since the Civil War years of the late 1850’s and 1860’s.
Important to note, too, and as we’ve seen in Egypt, Syria, Libya, etc., the Obama regime, like all tyrannical dictatorships, is maintaining a stringent news blackout on their growing battle with American rebel forces and which, shamefully, the “mainstream” US media is supporting.
To what will be the “final spark” that ignites a full scale civil war in America this report does not say, other than to note they expect it to occur “much sooner than later.”
Sorcha Faal
Prime Minister Antonis Samaras on Tuesday finally put an end to the posts of general secretariats and salaried committee memberships that were at several ministries. A statement issued by the prime minister's press office underlined that special secretariats deemed necessary will continue to operate, after being completely overhauled. Samara's order will not apply to special secretariats, like the financial crimes squad SDOE, whose operation cannot be interrupted. The government believes that by adopting this move a considerable amount of money will be saved for the benefit of taxpayers and the state will be put in order. Original article in Greek - To Ethnos
Gov't Puts An End To Gen. Secret. At Ministries To Battle Corruption
Prime Minister Antonis Samaras on Tuesday finally put an end to the posts of general secretariats and salaried committee memberships that were at several ministries. A statement issued by the prime minister's press office underlined that special secretariats deemed necessary will continue to operate, after being completely overhauled. Samara's order will not apply to special secretariats, like the financial crimes squad SDOE, whose operation cannot be interrupted. The government believes that by adopting this move a considerable amount of money will be saved for the benefit of taxpayers and the state will be put in order. Original article in Greek - To Ethnos
Greece In Bloom από CDemo83
A new documentary titled "Greece in bloom" by Austrian director Fabian Eder and his wife Julia Stemberger aims to restore the tarnished image of Greece in Austria as well as in Germany and at the same time dispel the false impressions that was generated by the mainstream media on Greece in the context of the crisis. The film, which showcases the beauty of Greece with a special focus on the everyday life of its citizens, was filmed in collaboration with the Greek National Tourism Organization (GNTO) as well as with Austria. The film will be broadcasted by the satellite channel 3SAT (Germany, Austria and Switzerland) today (July 4, 2012) at 20:15 (prime time) as well as on July 10,2012, while it is also going to be screened at the European Parliament at the invitation of MP Dr. Hannes Swoboda.
"Greece In Bloom" Aims To Turn Around EU Opinion On Greece
A new documentary titled "Greece in bloom" by Austrian director Fabian Eder and his wife Julia Stemberger aims to restore the tarnished image of Greece in Austria as well as in Germany and at the same time dispel the false impressions that was generated by the mainstream media on Greece in the context of the crisis. The film, which showcases the beauty of Greece with a special focus on the everyday life of its citizens, was filmed in collaboration with the Greek National Tourism Organization (GNTO) as well as with Austria. The film will be broadcasted by the satellite channel 3SAT (Germany, Austria and Switzerland) today (July 4, 2012) at 20:15 (prime time) as well as on July 10,2012, while it is also going to be screened at the European Parliament at the invitation of MP Dr. Hannes Swoboda.
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