
December 18, 2012

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PROVOCATION - SYRIZA MP Is Pro-FYROM - Blames Greeks For Name Issue

While SYRIZA leader Alexis Tsipras goes gallivanting to South America to gain leftist socialist "know-how" (or at least a tan). his MPs in Athens are definitely stirring up quite a bit of controversy. On the weekend we witnessed this with Mr. Stratoulis who said he was attacked by three people who told him they were from the Golden Dawn party (even though he doesn't have any evidence to prove it). And on Tuesday we found out that another SYRIZA MP Ioanna Gaitani gave an Anti-Hellenic interview to the FYROManian newspaper "Nova Makedonija" more or less claiming that Greece is to blame for the name issue... while she did not hesitate to call FYROM "Macedonia" forgetting that this republic has territorial intentions against Greece's northern province.
"Permit me to note that the youth of SYRIZA participated in demonstrations in your country in 2010 and were then invited to appear on your state television channel calling your country by the name you use 'Macedonia'. I do not believe the problem lies solely on the issue of the name. If this were so, and things were that simple then there would be no issue. Behind the issue of the name is the expansion of the Greek economy. Greece is trying to become a superpower in the Balkans and is attempting to expand throughout the Balkan peninsula. The reasons surrounding the issue of the name rest in the interests of Greek capitalists. The name is merely being used as an excuse and a cover up to mask other things that are occurring."
Any type of comments are pointless at this point...

Think about it. When a member of the Greek Parliament publicly goes against Greek national interests and then twists it around and blames the business community in her own homeland for the present situation, and totally ignores all the falsifications, lies, and provocations that FYROM has made against our country over the last two decades then one has to really wonder WHO THE HELL VOTES FOR THESE PEOPLE ANYWAY?

Who in their right mind allows people such as her to gain power?

Why are we paying people like her to represent our country?

One thing is certain, SYRIZA is going to back her up. Now that the story has gone viral in Greece we expect the leftists to publish some kind of statement twisting the story around and claiming that its our fault for making a big thing out of nothing, or that "we didn't quite understand" what she was trying to say, and as exaggerated as this sounds they might even attempt to blame the New Democracy or Golden Dawn parties. We don't put anything past them. They are funded well by rich Greek oligarchs who have now made Boston and other cities in the US their home and would like nothing more than to see the total destruction of this country so that they can once again milk it for everything it has... Right Mrs. Gianna?

One thing is certain though, they cannot and will NEVER alter our opinion about them, because when HellasFrappe as well as other blogs spoke about SYRIZA's youth rallying in FYROM over a year ago, some of their electronic Trolls decided to wage an all out social media war against us. Now we are just being vindicated.

Anti-Hellenes beware!  The Greek Diaspora is angry and has had it up to here with your anti-Greek rhetoric and we are not going to take it any more! That is why we will answer to every single solitary provocation you throw our way or make against our country.

Bring it on.....


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