


October 11, 2012

The Truth is Victim in Greece

Greek Hoplites
Greek Hoplites (Photo credit: Dunechaser)
By Vasilis Giavris
Lawyer & Political Scientist

The use of sensationalist comments and extremist rhetoric, seem to be a deliberate strategy adopted by political parties in Greece (both to the left and the right of the political spectrum) to induce fear, galvanize public sympathy and maximize electoral results.

Unfortunately, despite the rhetoric and claims to “just causes”, the “truth” and “patriotism”, all political parties share a common victim: Greek people and the truth.

It will be unfortunate and a grave mistake if the failings experienced in the Greek political system set the stage for the permanent absence of justice, democratic principles and human rights.

Whilst many Greek people today are desperate, vulnerable and poor they cannot afford to be naïve. The aim should not be to replace the current political landscape with a totalitarian regime that serves to further compromise the future of the Greek people.

The aim should be to establish a political system that embraces transparency, the rule of law, human rights, patriotism and social justice as the cornerstone of the Greek State.