


October 11, 2012

PROVOCATION - IMF Wants Greece To Evacuate Greek Islands in E. Aegean To Save Money

We have heard some incredible things here at HellasFrappe, and it has inspired us to make some unbelievable predictions. Unfortunately we were vindicated. We had predicted -from day one- that the debt crisis was "fixed" by market manipulators so that Greece can lose some of its sovereignty in the Aegean -especially the islands in the Eastern part- on account of the rich deposits of oil and natural gas in its waters and judging by the latest news... we were right again. Some people laughed at us, others were very sarcastic... but unfortunately we were right. We just found out today that the International Monetary Fund (IMF) actually asked the Greek government to order the evacuation of all the Greek islands in the eastern Aegean that have less than 150 residents, because they were too expensive to maintain. This of course, just one month after the Turkish parliament began questioning the issue of Greece's occupation of these same islands.

If you think that an announcement such as this appeared on the blog sphere .. think again!

This incredible Troikan-NUT "order" was revealed by the Minister of Marine and The Aegean himself, Mr. Costas Mousouroulis, during a speech at the Piraeus Marine Club on Thursday afternoon. When the Minister announced the news, it shocked all participants and literally left representatives of the Greek shipping industry totally speechless!

Thank goodness the immediate reaction from the State was to tell these blood sucking credit vampires that this subject -or any similiar subject- was, is and will always be totally and without a doubt "NOT NEGOTIABLE".

This development just justifies our opinion here at HellasFrappe that Mr. Paul Thomsen should be kicked out of Greece because he is obviously serving foreign interests. In fact a newspaper report a couple of months ago in the "Honi" journal spoke about Thomsen's "shady" and "suspicious" activities in Europe and in Greece, and the reasons why he should be arrested immediately.

Which brings us to the question of the day. Would the IMF be content if we just handed over half of the Aegean to Thomsen so he can divide it up to his Turkish entrepreneur friends which -blogs report- he secretly meets with? Maybe this can finally wake up some "politically correct" buffoons here in Greece who are still in a coma as to what is really going on.

We might upset some of you, but Mr. Thomsen is not insane, and he certainly does not require psychiatric care, this man is just doing his job! He is following ORDERS. The IMF has plundered and destroyed every nation it ever attempted to "help", check out the stats for yourselves. Why should Greece be an exception?

Thankfully, the Troikan-NUTS did not attempt to raise the subject again, but now that their intentions are out in the open, we can safely assume that they will only make our lives more difficult until they achieve what they were ordered to do: And that is continue to destabilize Greece politically, economically and socially so that they can chop us up just like they did Yugoslavia.

Most of these islands are home to strong military units and are always on alert from a possible threat by Turkey. But there are cases in which the islands are located right on the continental shelf, and because of the residents are causing a problem for Turkey since islands that are inhabited can extend their territorial waters based on international law. Islands that are uninhabited have no continental shelf and EEZ of course. Islands like Gavdos (have a promising EEZ in the southern part of Crete). On the other, islands such as Levitha Kinaros, located between the Dodecanese and Cyclades control a strategic passage to the northern and southern Aegean.

We do not even want to touch on a possible evacuation of the islands of Arki, Farmakonisi Pserimos and Gaidouronissi in the Dodecanese the sovereignty of which is already being questioned by Turkey.

The islands that the Troika wants us to evacuate include:

Aegean Sea

  • Gaidouronisi - 3 persons
  • Thymaina 152
  • Antipsara 4
  • Kyra Panagia Alonissos 10
  • Dove 5
  • Pepper 2

  • Delos 14
  • Makronisos 5
  • Under 60 Koufonissi
  • Iraklia 151

  • Pserimos 130
  • Farmakonisi 74
  • Telendos 54
  • Arki 54
  • Levitha 8
  • Glass 10
  • Sharia 22
  • Kinaros 2

  • Beam Hydra 43

Ionian Islands

  • Kastos Lefkas 78
  • Antikythera 44
  • Antipaxos 64

Libyan Sea

  • Gavdos 88 residents

If this ridiculos and provocative proposal does not raise hell in Greece -and from Greeks all over the world- then we do not know what will.  

Editor's Note - If this was in our hands, we would have encouraged Mr. Mousouroulis to just slap Thomsen to oblivion. We would have enjoyed every single minute of it and we would have cheered him on. After a statement like that, what did anyone expect? But seriously folks... if Thomsen was slapped then it would have created a lot of noise, and it might of even become a headline story in the mainstream news. We can just see the headline "Greek Minister beats up IMF Official because he ordered for the evacuation of Greek territory in the Aegean, or lose 100 miles in the Eastern Aegean" (the same area which Turkey wants to claim).Indeed a rare opportunity was lost. Nonetheless... we say this is Greece and with our ten fingers we say PARTA kleftarades alhtes... !