
April 1, 2012

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CONSPIRACY - Whistle blower Says US States To Turn Into Sovereign Nations - Clap Down On Banksters (VIDEO)

What to Know, What to Do, and What Not to Do- freddomreigns

Are the American states becoming soverign nations? Have these documents gone to the Hague in the Netherlands? According to a whistle blower by the name of "Drake" this has not only happened but is also in its final stages. He was recently interviewed by David Wilcock in a shocking three-hour interview... that sounds to unreal to be true. In this shocking interview he refers to the mass arrests of what he terms the "the bad guys" (or banksters, mostly in G5 nations) and the restoration of Constitutionality in America.

At about 1:45 into the interview he also talks about a "clamp down" of  the US - a closing of the borders, complete with a shutting down of the satellites which at the most shouldn't last longer than 72 hours. Do not be alarmed... the point of this is to keep the "bad guys" from fleeing, or from sending trillions of dollars to offshore companies, etc.

In the interview, which is quite interesting, the whistle blower also mentions a new financial system, with new equity-based currency. Both Drake and David also speak about certain suppressed technologies which they say are not just ideas but have been secretly in use for a long time and are soon expected to make their debut.

This is a THREE - Hour Interview... but it is pretty interestng

Sources -

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