
March 11, 2012

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Criminal Charges For Assassination Attempt Against Karamanlis To Be Announced In 2 Weeks

The prosecution investigating the assassination attempt against the former leader of the New Democracy party Costas Karamanlis has enough evidence on his hands that apparently proves that not only were the allegations made in the Epikaira magazine more than real but criminal charges will be announced soon. According to an article in this weeks edition of the Paraskevi+13 newspaper, during the preliminary investigation, the prosecution investigating this case, stumbled on incriminating evidence that more proves the allegations are true and is now in the position to finally announce criminal charges within 15 days!

The extensive investigation began just several weeks after the article was published in Epikaira magazine. When the investigation wrapped it was first announced on parapolitka and from what was said there is now a clear insight as to who designed and attempted to execute this controversial crime. The report also noted that the Prosecutors Office assigned the case to a First Instance Court prosecutor for even further investigation.

Aside from the charge of treason, the Greeks who are apparently involved in this crime, are expected to be charged with organizing a conspiracy against the country, as defined (and penalized) under Article 135 paragraph 2. ("Όποιος συνωμοτεί με άλλον με σκοπό να εκτελέσουν πράξη από εκείνες που αναφέρονται στο άρθρο 134 ή με συνεννοήσεις με ξένη κυβέρνηση προπαρασκευά ζει την εκτέλεση μιας απ’ αυτές τις πράξεις, τιμωρείται με κάθειρξη"). (Click here to read more about this story)

The plot against the former prime minister was first revealed by Epikaira magazine in a June 2011 issue and featured here on hellasfrappe the very same day. As some may recall it surfaced intelligence reports from Greek and Russian secret services as well as Wikileaks cables. The same subject, however, was also recently featured by journalist George Trangas in his CRASH magazine and even more chilling details were revealed.

Both the Epikaira and CRASH magazines  said that the plot was uncovered by Russian intelligence services during a hacking attempt on the telephone communication between Karamanlis and Russian President V.Putin. Following this revelation, a group of 19 Russian intelligence officers came to Athens to investigate the wire-tapping and stumbled on the planned assassination and thus began to monitor Karamanlis’ moves at the beginning of April 2008. According to what was published, the Russian officials uncovered the assassination plot codenamed “Pythia 1” and, after analyzing the evidence, concluded that it was the brainchild of an allied country and was to be carried out by a "shady" team of individuals, who wanted to put an end to Karamanlis’s pro-energy policies and tight relations with Russia.

This was also repeated in CRASH magazine when Trangas wrote that  Karamanlis was toppled by George Papandreou and the PASOK government because he went against the US on the issue of FYROM and because he sided with Russia on defense cooperation as well as energy pipelines. Interestingly in the same article, Trangas also revealed how the former prime minister was being pushed to step down from power especially after he received a telegram from a "western intelligence center" -that was intercepted by Greek and Russian intelligence officers in March 2009- which basically gave him a choice to either "immediately exit from power" ... or else. 

Editor's Note: 

If you want to read previous reports on the investigation (and which close associates of Papandreou the article is referring to) please click here

Keep in mind that if you want to read more about the assassination attempt on Karamanlis, please click here.

If you want to read George Trangas; tribute to this article then please click here

If you want to read the various Wikileaks articles that we have featured over the past few months that were recorded during Karamanlis' rule and that back up the story in CRASH magazine simply go to our category Wikileaks (or click here) and select the story that you want to read.

If on the other you want to read about Costas Karamanlis, which incidentally was the first story published on hellasfrappe please click here)

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