
January 18, 2012

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Pantazis Escapes Arrest in Australia

Sadly the new nouveau riche have become the most dangerous category of people all over the globe. They subvert justice, constitutional proprietary and set the wrong example for society. If you thought that only Greece was run on a who-you-know basis, then think again. Money is apparently universal and can buy political connections for you anywhere and anytime. One such example involves Greek singer Lefteris Pantazis. During a performance on a cruise ship in Sydney Australia recently, the Greek singer was met by a rather unpleasant surprise after completing his performance. Pantazis, together with a few other friends, decided to engage in a game of cards and just when the game began getting into full swing authorities raided the room and announced that it was illegal for the group to engage in gambling in other areas of the ship aside from the casino. Astounded by the news, the card players were also told that they would have to be arrested. But who was going to arrest Pantazis? No one. It was at this point that the Greek singer was driven away from the room through an emergency exit because he was privileged for being famous. In an interview to the Greek newspaper Espresso, Pantazis explained that he and his friends had joined the card game in a room that did not bear any sign of prohibiting gambling. “We were only trying to relax and have some fun by placing small amounts of money on each round” said the Greek singer. Indeed Lefteris, we believe you, but if it was so innocent, and these were indeed your friends, then why did you escape arrest and allow your friends who did not enjoy your status to be arrested? Why such special treatment? Stories like these make our blood boil here at hellasfrappe. Indeed they are totally irrelevant to the overall philosophy of this blog, but are evidence that states when you have power or are part of the elite (rich and famous) you can even escape arrest or even imprisonment in any country, not only Greece.

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