
January 18, 2012

Filled Under:

ANNOUNCEMENT - Hellasfrappe Supports Internet Blackout Strike

On Wednesday Jan. 18th thousands of sites will go dark to protest SOPA & PIPA, two US bills racing through Congress that threaten prosperity, online security, and freedom of expression.. As noted, hellasfrappe did not publish any articles on Sunday January 15, 2012 in solidarity to all the websites and blogs around the globe that have chosen to strike today against these controversial laws. Even though this is a Greek-Canadian blog, we felt it was our responsibility to support this initiative and on Sunday we did not post any information and simply allowed our readers to post articles on our facebook wall instead which they deemed were interesting. This move was in full support to everyone who is striking today in the US and we urge all our readers to read up on SOPA and rally against it, especially our Greek American friends. 

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