
January 18, 2012

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FYROManians Now Want Thessaloniki, Larissa and Mount Olympus

If FYROM decided to take Greece to the international court in the Hague for "blocking" as it says its admission to NATO, then its high time that Greece take them to the same court for not respecting the interim agreement and promoting nationalism and fanaticism against Greece and the Greek people. Folks, the question of FYROM is not only about the use of the name Macedonia anymore, it has gone beyond this into something more dangerous. FYROM is actually breeding a whole new generation that literally believes that it has territorial claims in our country. In the evidence below you will hear testimonials from students who claim that their country spreads to Larissa and even Mount Olympus!

Greek people have patience but they cannot be pushed to the limit every once in a while because of a few fanatic nationalists who instead of generating jobs for their people spend millions on raising statues in their squares claiming that it is part of their history. Nor can Greek people respect the burning of the Greek flag, and we especially cannot tolerate hearing thousands of people in Skopje square screaming out that they want to invade Thessaloniki or take it back.

Enough is enough.

As talks wrap up in New York between United Nations mediator Matthew Nimetz and representatives from Greece and FYROM on the issue of the name, it would be wise if new discussions take place over FYROM's constant disrespect to the interim agreement and to the Greek people.

For almost two decades now, Greece has objected to the Skopje government for using the name of Macedonia because it argues that the name bears territorial claims involving its northern Greek province of the same name. Our Slavic neighbors say this is nonsense... we say, watch the videos below and stop playing us for fools.

This is the true face of FYROM.... and this is all the proof our leaders need so that they can build a solid case against FYROM in the international court in the Hague.

And a message to FYROManians... you want Thessaloniki... If you dare, come and get it.

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