
January 18, 2012

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Kammenos Calls On Greeks To Revolt

Independent MP Panos Kammenos on Wednesday called on all citizens to revolt."There is no red, there is no blue" there is only Greece and "I am Greek" noted Kammenos in an interview to channel 1 in Piraeus. He said this is a crucial moment in our history, and our nation and in a high tone he called on all Greeks to "revolt" before it's too late and everything we know of our country is taken over by foreigners.

As the external debt cut (PSI) talks resume, with Fitch and S&P commenting that a default appears to be an almost foregone conclusion, and as the head of the Institute of International Finance Charles Dallara returns to Athens to resume the negotiations with the Greek government, the question of the day is will all this be orderly or disorderly since most rating agencies see March 20th as being a key date with a Greek €14.5 bln bond repayment due.

Kammeos said that "If we get to the point of signing the loan agreement  -which essentially grants the rights of the sovereign Greek state- we automatically "fall under English law and this will legalize the illegal first loan agreements". It must be reminded that the initial loan agreements do not essentially exist since they were never voted on by two thirds of the Greek Parliament.

"If the new loan agreements are signed then the entire public and private property of Greece (and Greeks) will be mortgaged and sold off to foreigners," added the MP.

Kammenos said that in 30-35 days from now the future of this country and its children will be at stake, "if Greeks do not reject the new loan agreement  then Greece is done".

Hellasfrappe could not find the interview on channel 1, but we present a similar interview that was broadcasted on REALfm less than a week ago which talks about the PSI talks, and the repercussions from the debt cut.

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