The speech made by main opposition New Democracy MP Panos Kammenos in Parliament this past week revealed many truths. The Greek mainstream media barely touched the subject since Thursday for reasons which are obvious (maybe they are in on the cut) and the only little bit of information that is being released to the public is from the olympia website, as well as two alternative news television channels.
According to Panos Kammenos Prime Minister George Papandreou "staged" the announcement of the referendum since the following day billions of dollars/euros were lost on the international markets. And what's more... there were a few that banked in on a lot of money. with this inside tip... A LOT OF MONEY!
Kammenos, revealed that the failed Belgian bank DEXIA, in collaboration with his brother Andreas Papandreou and the company that Andreas works at UNIGESTION, placed a huge sum of money in the fluctuation of Euro/Swedish Krona just days before George Papandreou announced the referendum and the markets went haywire!
In Parliament he gave details on how it was purchased by associates of the Greek Prime Minister as well as how it has been used in bets on the collapse of the Greek economy, WHICH IS NOW WORTH MORE THAN... 29 BILLION EUROS !!!!!!!!!!
Click Here to see the document he presented in Parliament
On Sunday morning on a weekend news show on MEGA channel, a professor of economics explained what happened last Monday on the financial markets. He said that almost 1,5 trillion dollars was made when markets declined on the announcement that Papandreou planned to hold a referendum.
He said that George Soros, Mr. Roubini and Mr. Paulson banked in on a lot of money just from betting on the fall of markets worldwide. They apparently bet over one trillion Euros, and according to him and they made a lot more.... A LOT MORE!!!!
But how did they know that the markets would drop?

So the only thing that one can conclude from everything he said is that these men had an "inside scoop" from Greece.
But who are they chummy chummy with here in Greece that would be bold enough and cunning enough to give them the scoop?
Well.... we here at hellasfrappe will give you a hint... up until this afternoon... he was our prime minister....
What is UNIGESTION? “Unigestion, a leading privately owned asset manager with EUR 8.1 billion (USD 11.5 billion) of assets under management, announces the final closing of the Unigestion Secondary Opportunity Fund II at EUR 190 million, above its original target of EUR 150 million, and the first closing in June of the Unigestion – Ethos Environmental Sustainability Fund.”
The Unigestion-Ethos Strategic Committee is comprised of Andreas Papandreou (Associate Professor of the Department of Economics at the University of Athens), Serafino Iacono (Chairman of Pacific Rubiales Energy), Dominique Biedermann (Executive Director of Ethos) and Bertrand Piccard (aviator, explorer and UN Goodwill Ambassador currently working on Solar Impulse, a solar-powered aero plane project).

The only reaction anyone can have is complete awe.
In short, the brother of the Greek prime minister is part of a "green fund" that was started in March 2009 and whose company deals on betting against the default of sovereign nations.
A little after Andreas got involved with this company and totally by chance (yeah right) the leader of the then main opposition party and today's prime minister George Papandreou decided to start endorsing green development.
The company Andreas Papandreou works at deals with CDS! The very BROTHER OF THE GREEK PRIME MINISTER is involved with a hedge fund company! This is not something to take lightly... And what is more... he says he did not know anything about it. Hello.....
Kammenos has revealed that these so called "green" funds play on the fluctuation of the markets.
Should this be ignored as well?
It is almost like a rerun of the fall of Lehman Brothers.
It is no coincidence that everyone describes Greece as the new Lehman Brothers either.

You see DEXIA Luxembourg was bought by Qatar businessmen (just one more coincidence since Qatar investors suddenly decided to also invest in Greece's gold mining).
Dexia (was once again) saved from European taxpayers money (as it had been several years ago in the States by American taxpayers money. Indicative is this article that was published on
"We have come a long way from the spring of 2008 when the American Administration declared $30 billion would bail out the entire U.S. banking system. America reached out generously and temporarily "saved" the banking system with a commitment of more than $12 trillion. The American banking system is once again knocking on the door of the disabled. If the major banks were required to mark their bad assets to market and account for their legal liabilities it is unlikely any of them would stand.The story gets even better.... the branch of Luxembourg was bought from Qatar.
Today, the European banking system is in worse condition than America's banks were in 2008 or are now. Dexia is ONE BANK, needing a $238.9 billion infusion. There are at least twenty more European banks who will need similar or greater infusions and many more who may survive on less.
The American taxpayer was duped and mulct to little avail. The nominal derivatives positions of the "saved" banks are larger than ever before."
Yes the same country that is suddenly soooooo interested in purchasing assets in Greece and the same country of which has been highly visited by many members of the socialist party lately, even the other brother of George Papandreou, Nikos Papandreou. In fact, Qatar is so "in" these days, that even the (PASOK) Archbishop of Athens and all of Greece Ieronimos went to Qatar over a week ago in order to talk about "green investments".
Is this a coincidence too?
You be the judge....
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