Basically the closure means that the scandalous Baltakos case is not going to be discussed in Parliament and neither is the Lagarde list scandal, the armaments scandal and a series of other scandals that have dominated the headlines over the past few months. Most importantly, the news also means that the limitation period of potential crimes that may have been conducted by the governments under George Papandreou and Lucas Papadimos will never be prosecuted!
This dear Frappers is what has stunned conservatives on Wednesday -especially those who remain true to the former leader Costas Karamanlis- because "we" know -and have suspected from the start- that Papandreou committed many crimes during his two short years of rule -as did his administration-. Firstly, we believe he worked underground -as Strauss Khan said- to throw our country into the arms of the IMF -months before he assumed power after toppling Karamanlis- and we believe the reports that claim that his main adviser -as implicated by the judicial system- knew about the assassination attempt against Karamanlis -meaning so did Papandreou-.
The news as to why the Parliament closed is totally incomprehensible to "us". It automatically allows us to assume that the Samaras government saved George Papandreou. What influenced Samaras to make this decision? What drove him to even allow for this to happen? Was he obligated to do so by the same dark forces that helped Papandreou rise to power? Do these include the same domestic forces that helped tumble the Karamanlis government? Or is he simply working for others, and not for our interests?
So many questions, and yet no answers.
We are overwhelmed with anger and disgust. We do not like extremes, and cannot tip the scales to the far right and the far left, but we now understand why millions of people world wide do not trust their governments and have decided to adopt these ideals. Our neutrality towards our political system has been vindicated for yet another time, and our respect and honor for the clarity, the statesmanship and leadership of Costas Karamanlis has grown even further.
Worse yet, there were even more scandals that needed to be discussed. According to the PressProject the cases against several MPs currently being examined by the Ethics Committee are also going to be suspended. These include requests to lift the parliamentary immunity of the Interior Minister Yiannis Michelakis, Health Minister Adonis Georgiadis, as well as Golden Dawn MP Elias Kassidiaris and even Independent MP (formerly of Independent Greeks) Vasilis Kapernaros.
(Any person of sound, mind and body would now ask themselves: Wait a minute... Isn't far-right Golden Dawn spokesman Elias Kassidiaris supposedly bad for our health? After all... half of this party's parliamentary team was thrown into jail -and as we all know the government has been very adamant about persecuting GD, and especially Kassidiaris- so is it safe to assume that the shutdown of the Parliament is tied to the Baltakos case, or is it tied to other revelations that are still unknown to us and due to take the political world by storm again? By not explaining to us as to why he decided to give our MPs another three or four weeks of vacation this year, the Samaras administration clearly gives us the right to assume many things. This little detail, might of been overlooked by the Greek mainstream media, but it is quite a stunning detail and allows for bad criticism.)
This specific press report notes that Michelakis has been accused of receiving bribes in order to operate in parliament on behalf of the ship owner Anastasio Pallis, while Georgiadis has been accused of interfering in the justice system. Kassidiaris, on the other hand, faces charges related to the Baltakos case and making unauthorized recordings, while Kapernaros is accused of tax evasion.
(And we ask: If you and/or we committed a crime, could we refuse to talk about it and then walk scot free? The answer is obvious: NO. Is that how democracies function? Or better yet is this how the nation that gave the world democracy should function?)
Of course no one took it upon themselves to explain why Samaras came to such a decision, and the statements that were made by a handful of puppets in the government were not convincing - because if our memory serves us correctly the President of Parliament Evangelos Meimarakis recently stated that there was no reason to shut down earlier-.
Some Leftist news reports -who are more concentrated on promoting Alexis Tsipras and his new SYRIZA party- on Thursday claimed that Samaras simply wants to take advantage of the summer sessions in order to pass a number of critical bills. It should be noted that during the summer sessions only 100 MPs participate in proceedings, with each party choosing which of its MPs are going to participate. Leftists claim that this session makes it easier for the coalition government to pass critical bills by avoiding any dissent from within its ranks. This too is not convincing to us since all the Leftist forces of this country base their ideology around Greece's economy and nothing else. Have you ever heard them address a national issue? An issue about energy? An issue about society? Their discussions always center around the rights of the public sector. So although they make a point, they make no sense in their argument either and therefore only allow us to assume that the closure is beneficial to them as well, especially now that our economy is slowly getting back on track.
Speaking about SYRIZA and theatrical shows, the party said that the move is a trick to avoid key parliamentary debates.
(If we take their argument to heart then we would also have to accept that they were ready to provoke some sort of controversial debate (s), correct?)
Back to our main dilemma. What forces influenced Samaras to make this decision and allow his fame, with his own followers, to be questioned? It makes no sense to us here at HellasFrappe and we cannot cheer ND on for making such a decision.The only thing that we can say is "Itheste and Patheste" (meaning that everything you wish for will happen to you) and whatever happens hereafter from within his own party will be his sole responsibility.
It is not because we get pleasure out of seeing Special Courts, trials and/or punishment being slapped at specific people and/or our politicians, but we are entitled as a people to know what happened prior to our entrance into the IMF. And Samaras is obligated to investigate this. Besides, this was his promise to us, and as conservatives, we lay our trust in him.
If you are thinking that the justice system can take over and continue probing, think again. We must not forget that our justice system follows the provisions and articles that are stipulated in the Greek Constitution, and cannot devise its own regulations. If it is bound to these regulations it cannot begin peeling away at something that cannot be punished.
That's because under the present Constitution, the Greek Parliament had a time limit to investigate and/or prosecute the ministers of that period, or until the end of the Second Session. As revealed by the "PARAPOLITIKA" newspaper, a total of 82 cases will not be investigated including all the cases against Papandreou -and there are many as reports claim-, as well as Papadimos, but most importantly Parliament will never discuss what prompted Papandreou's PASOK party, George Karatzaferis' LAOS party and Dora Bakoyianni to sign the first Memorandum -which was the foundation for all the austerity that followed-.
(Specifically, and in accordance to paragraph 3 in Article 86 of the Greek Constitution -on the responsibilities of ministers- Parliament may only exercise its jurisdiction until the end of the second regular session of the members, and according to Article 64 of the Constitution, the second ordinary session just ended. This clearly means that we cannot seek justice in the case of Papapandreou because the session began in June 2012, or at the end of the Papadimos/Papandreou governments. So any type of criminal activity that can surface from hereafter is complete impunity due to this limitation.)
And all this on account of Evangelos Venizelos who devised these Articles in the Greek Constitution in the 90s. As upsetting as it is, the justice system cannot prosecute Papandreou for all the crimes that we suspect he has committed against our country, nor can they probe the dealings of his Trilateral buddy Lucas Papadimos -who we all know was clearly appointed as PM by our creditors-.
Shame... And we wanted to lay our trust in Antonis Samaras, we believed he was a man that would eventually stand out and make the difference that would reshape our political system and clean it from bottom up, but it is quite evident that he is just another puppet that was placed in this position to continue the barbaric raping and pillaging of our nation from foreign oligarchs that were forced on us by Papandreou and his hedge fund cronies, as well as all the forces that supported his rise to fame. And before you begin pointing to SYRIZA as a solution, we propose that you should think twice. Alexis Tsipras is not the answer, nor is his party, since they too have embraced the same forces that helped Papandreou rise to fame and today -as revealed in many reports here on HellasFrappe - are working around the clock to bring good old George and all his cronies to the forefront once more.
We should not be misunderstood either. We are in no way supporting Evangelos Venizelos, because we support the theory that PASOK must be allowed to crash -and crash hard- for all the crimes that they have committed against this country. And we do not support Panos Kammenos, the Golden Dawn party, DIMAR, etc., etc, but we only support justice, transparency and the truth.
Whatever the case, we should not despair. The present Greek Constitution may be clear, but it is in our hands Frappers to change it. Obviously there are forces working against this nation, and perhaps it is these very entities that are not allowing the Samaras government to move ahead with prosecuting people such as Papandreou and Papadimos, but this does not mean that we have to accept it.
We can easily reverse this situation to our favor and finally surface the reasons why our nation was handed over to the Troika. If we all push for a change in the Greek Constitution and allow for a new one to be established then we can finally send all these "Ellinarades" (wannabe Greeks or Anti-Hellenes) exactly where they should be. We must not accept a revision, as already proposed, but a complete change of the Constitution. We here at HellasFrappe also propose that the President of the Republic be given responsibilities -as in France, and/or Russia for example- and he should only be elected by the people and not by a band of 300 merry men who clearly have no clue on how our society actually functions and/or works.
To this end, we also want to note that we do not trust some recent press reports claiming that Samaras has been meeting up with the former leader of the conservative party Costas Karamanlis. We find it very difficult to believe that Karamanlis has embraced the events that have unfolded over the last few years in our political system, and we also find it very difficult to consume that he would allow people such as Papandreou to walk scot free -especially since he knows that he knew about the attempted assassination against him-.
His neutrality throughout this whole horror show is also something else that we must question, because it automatically tells us that something else is about to happen...
Stay Tuned Frappers... There is definitely more juice to this story.
Marina Spanos