October 24, 2011
MUST WATCH VIDEO - Sfakianakis Slams Gov't Property Tax
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Famed singer Notis Sfakianakis, known to be very opinionated said in a radio interview at the weekend that he is not going to pay the new property tax that the government forcibly imposed on Greek citizens via electricity bills. Sfakianakis is not the only one. Apparently the property tax has nothing to do with the consumption of electricity and constitutionalists claim that it is mind blowing why the government would forcibly add it to electricity bills and threaten Greek households to pay up within 40 days or their electricity would be cut off. This is more "dictator-syle" politics than democracy. The two costs should be separated. The property tax has nothing to do with electricity and vice versa. Speaking to Dromos FM radio station, Sfakianakis said that he asked his accountant not to pay the imposed tax and rather send a statement saying that he refuses to pay for something that he does not owe."I pay my obligations and refuse to pay for something by force which I do not owe. They can knock me down, I will not give them my money" he said. Way to go Sfakianaki! The video featured today was broadcasted last year, but it is so Sfakianakis that it matched perfectly with today's news. Watch what Notis says in this video (especially after 01,45 minutes) when he goes on a spree bashing the government, the new world order, the system in general and generally lets everyone have it! This is a must watch!
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