June 12, 2011
Filled Under: POLITICS
New Democracy takes lead in the polls
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Based on its findings, ND is now in the lead with 31 percent, Pasok follows with 27 percent, the Communist Party of Greece (KKE) has 11 percent, the Popular Orthodox Rally (Laos) eight percent, the Coalition of the Radical Left (Syriza) 6.5 percent, the Ecologists-Greens with 3.5 percent, the Democratic Left with three percent and the Democratic Alliance with 2.5 percent.
The 'winner' is actually abstention, with 38 percent of those asked saying they would not turn out for the next elections.
Only one in four people believe the government will reach the end of its four-year term while the popularity of Prime Minister George Papandreou is in decline. Asked who was most suitable for premier, both Papandreou and main opposition New Democracy leader Antonis Samaras received 23 percent of the vote and 55 percent of those asked voted for neither.
Nearly three quarters (74 percent) believe that neither Pasok nor ND are capable of governing the country properly and 59 percent believe that snap elections are unnecessary at the present time. An overwhelming majority of 82 percent said they were not satisfied with their lives and an even larger majority of 87 percent believes the country is moving in the wrong direction.
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