


June 19, 2015

Russia & Greece Sign Memorandum On Extension of Turkish Stream Pipeline

Russian and Greek Energy Ministers, Alexander Novak and Panagiotis Lafazanis respectively, signed a memorandum on construction of the extension of the Turkish Stream gas pipeline across Greek territory at the St. Petersburg Economic Forum.
     "Our meeting today is a historical meeting… The memorandum expresses the readiness of both sides to bring the south direction of the pipeline to implementation," Lafazanis said.
According to Lafazanis, the project will unite all the people of Europe who will be involved in it.
     "The pipeline will connect not only Greece and Russia, but also the peoples of Europe. Our message that it is a message of stability and friendship… The pipeline we are beginning today is not against anyone in Europe or anyone else, it is a pipeline for peace, stability in the whole region," the minister said.
According to the Greek minister, energy could play a uniting role to counter the Cold War. Moscow and Athens are opening a new productive path towards Europe, Lafazanis said, adding that he hoped the countries would complete the project.
     "We go to the next step — to the second step. We hope that we will win the second battle, as we won the first one," Lafazanis said, referring to the process of reaching the pipeline deal

Sources:  RT, Sputnik ,