


April 1, 2015

Syriza-ANEL launch probe into bailout programs

The SYRIZA-ANEL government on Tuesday evening submitted a proposal to form a parliamentary investigative committee that will examine the events that lead up to Greece's entry into the bailout programs and austerity memorandum by previous administrations. The proposal, which was announced by the parliamentary group secretary Christos Mandas, is signed by 149 Syriza MPs, headed by Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras and 13 ANEL MPs, headed by party leader Panos Kammenos.

The Committee is apparently going to examine issues which arose in the period between October 2009 and January 2015 and to "attribute responsibility where appropriate to the political protagonists of the period who decided Greece’s placement under guardianship and implemented specific policies which harmed public interest, damaged the Greek State and the country’s economy and victimized the Greek people." In simple words the committee will assess whether previous governments upheld the interests of the Greek people by signing these agreements with the Troika (European Commission, European Central Bank and International Monetary Fund) while pledging austerity measures in exchange for bailout funding.

HellasFrappe fears that this proposal is yet another initiative that will most probably conclude with a predetermined outcome and separate verdicts, (just like other initiatives did in the past). The dilemma for us should not only focus on HOW George Papandreou got us into the bailout program, but also WHY. We hate to be pessimists by we believe that this initiative will only rally political audiences and charge the political climate once more. After all the investigation is not planning to name specific politicians as responsible for the bailout program, but their involvement will be "insinuated", based on the period covered. So before you break out a bottle of champagne thinking that George Papandreou and his cronies will finally be ridiculed think again! Syriza may have said that this initiative plans to "seek political accountability", but if it does not name names then what sort of accountability are we talking about?