"The prime minister, the government and the Greek people proved that when you claim what is just, you can converse with everyone. The Greek government and the prime minister held an honourable and jus stance, asking to be allowed to implement the mandate we received in the elections of January 25," Kammenos said answering a question while on a visit to Kalavryta in the northern Peloponnese.Sources: ANA-MPA, ProtoThema
"I’m especially happy that the result of these negotiations is positive and that our partners understood that a country cannot be ruled by a government that translates draft bills sent to it, but by implementing people’s mandate," he added, noting that the decision to implement the February 20 agreement is very important, not just for Greece but for Europe.
March 23, 2015
Filled Under: POLITICS
Kammenos: Gov't held an 'honourable stance' at the EU summit
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Minister of National Defence Panos Kammenos expressed his satisfaction with the result of the EU summit meeting on Saturday noting that Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras held an "honourable and just stance".
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