A preliminary report prepared by the Ministry of Internal Affairs (MoIF) under orders from President Putin states that the assassination of Doctor-Scientist Boris Nemtsov is “directly linked” to Russia’s grave warning this past week that our Earth may soon be under threat from “inter-dimensional entities” working with/through both the United States and European Union.
Dr. Nemtsov, this report notes, earned his PhD in quantum physics and mathematics in 1985 from Ural State University (aka State University of Gorky), was the author of more than 60 academic publications related to quantum physics, thermodynamics and acoustics, and invented an acoustics laser and a novel design of antennas for space apparatus.
During his student years at university, this report continues, Nemtsov was recruited by the Committee for State Security (KGB) and continued in his capacity as a scientific analyst with them until 1991, after which he became a counter-intelligence officer with the Federal Security Service’s (FSB) Scientific and Technical Service (STS) division in 1995.
Of Dr. Nemtsov’s greatest value to the Federation, this report notes, was his long association with US-double agent KGB General Oleg Kalugin (who considered Nemtsov his protégé), who betrayed Russia to the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) and orchestrated the installment to power of Boris Yeltsin as President in 1991.
Upon Yeltsin coming to power, this report says, General Kalugin successfully installed Dr. Nemtsov into government leading former British premier Margaret Thatcher to name his as a future leader of Russia and President Barack Obama, in 2009, to describe him as a “tireless advocate” for the rights of Russian citizens after they met in 2009.
In his “double agent” role with the FSB, however, experts in this report say, Dr. Nemtsov was at the forefront of the global race to perfect quantum teleportation having been allowed access to Western (i.e. CIA) technologies supplied to him by his American handlers, but which in turn were then “technologically inspected” by the FSB.
Quantum teleportation, this report explains, is a process by which quantum information can be transmitted from one location to another, with the help of classical communication and previously shared quantum entanglement between the sending and receiving location. Once perfected, quantum teleportation satellites would allow spies to pass large amounts of information back and forth and create unhackable codes.
To the exact assassination of Dr. Nemtsov, this report says, Vladimir Markin, spokesman for the Investigative Committee, stated:
“There is no doubt that this crime was carefully planned. The location and timing of the killing indicated that as well. The investigation found out that Boris Nemtsov was going with his female friend to his apartment, which is located close to the murder scene. The organizers and the executers apparently knew his route.”Dr. Nemtsov’s exact route, this report continues, brought him over a bridge on the Moskva River with his companion, 23-year-old Ukrainian model Anna Duritskaya, and as they were walking from St. Basil’s Cathedral toward the Bolotnaya Square, at 11:40 p.m. Moscow time on Friday (20:40 GMT), a white sedan stopped beside them, two men got out and unleashed their attack leaving behind six 9-mm cartridge cases at the scene (produced by several different manufacturers), took his “smart” phone, and then left the body of Nemtsov laying lifeless with four bullet wounds.
LifeNews TV channel published a video (Click HERE) from a traffic camera on Bolshaya Ordynka Street that shows a white car with the possible killers, but this has yet to be confirmed by the MoIF.
Important to note too about the assassination of Dr. Nemtsov, this report concludes, is that Russian President Vladimir Putin had warned earlier this year about the US-EU killing a top Russian figure by stating:
“They are looking for a so-called sacrificial victim among some prominent figures, they will knock him off, I beg your pardon, and then blame [us] for that.”WhatDoesItMean