


January 19, 2015

Papandreou proposes holding new referendum for exiting the crisis

The leader of the newly formed Movement of Democrats Socialists George Papandreou at the weekend proposed a new referendum, where Greek citizens would be called to decide on how the new government will negotiate the debt.

In a televised cross-channel press conference on Sunday Papandreou noted that the referendum would give the government a clear mandate regarding the negotiations, and at the same time ensure that no new measures or policies would be implemented. He said that the results of this referendum would bind the government and as could be used to bargain with Greece’s lenders.

During the question and answer period, Papandreou referred to the events of November 2011, when he had also spoken about a referendum and was eventually overthrown. He claimed that being overthrown was “a defeat for democracy” and that the prevailing domestic interests at the time opposed reforms and change.

Χ@σισι, μ@ριουανα, κοκ@... χ@πια... Ποιος ξερει τι πινει ο ανθρωπος... Επιμένει ότι λεφτά υπάρχουν και οτι το μνημόνιο το έκανε ο κ. Καραμανλής - ΒΙΝΤΕΟ