


January 15, 2015

New Opinion poll Shows SYRIZA At 3.4% Lead of New Democracy

The radical leftist main opposition party SYRIZA has a 3.4% point lead over the conservative New Democracy party, according to the latest opinion poll from Alco.

The poll, which was published in Thursday's edition of the 'To Pontiki' newspaper and conducted nationwide from January 11-13, shows that 31.2% of those questioned answered that they intend to vote for SYRIZA in the January 25th elections and 27.8% for New Democracy.

In the previous poll from Alco, SYRIZA had 31.2% and New Democracy 28%, followed by the To Potami party with 5.1%, the far-right Golden Dawn party (GD) with 5%, the Greek Communist Party of Greece (KKE) with 4%, PASOK with 3.6%, the Independent Greeks (ANEL) party with 2.6% and the newly formed Movement of Democratic Socialists with 2.4%.