


January 26, 2015

Greek Press Ridiculed After Lying About Golden Dawn Getting 3rd Place

The Greek media was once again very harsh with the Golden Dawn party on Sunday night, since they presented them as being tied in the third position with the (oligarch-backed) To Potami party. As noted in previous posts HellasFrappe does not politically support the Golden Dawn party, but we will not ignore their existence because we believe in democracy, the right to free speech and respect the tens of thousands of Greeks who voted them into the Greek Parliament.

(We follow the same line for all democratically elected parties, including the communist KKE which is totally opposite to our political ideology.)

Aside from the insults and the characterizations against the far-right party, as well as its supporters, the official election results proved them wrong and once they were announced, the exit polls that saw GD in fourth position -and all those who slammed the party- were placed to shame.

Meanwhile, it was also announced that the party's website was also apparently hacked after the election process had concluded.

Earlier on Sunday, several Golden Dawn members were attacked by radical leftists wearing helmets in the area of Petroupolis. GD claims that there were police officers present when this happened but they did not react.

According to GD, the victims of this abuse were mainly elderly voters, who spoke out against the presence of radical leftists, and the assailants responded with physical aggression. The mainstream media jumped on the opportunity and presented the event as another Golden Dawn episode, leaving it to be understood that GD instigated the aggression. This time, however, lawsuits were filed against both the offenders and all those responsible for that incident. It would be interesting to see what the media says then.

In the area of Kallipoli in Piraeus the same thing happened, but according to GD the unprecedented happened here. Instead of officials arresting the perpetrators of the attack, they instead escorted electoral representatives of GD to the local police station.