


January 9, 2015

“Charlie Hebdo” solidarity demonstrations staged across Greece

The French slogan “Je Suis Charlie” has dominated Greek life over the past few days and on Thursday in both Athens and Thessaloniki (as well as other cities across Greece), thousands of protesters gathered to take part in various solidarity demonstrations in response to the barbaric and brutal attack earlier this week in Paris.

The initiative for the demonstrations was formulated online. In a statement titled “Je Suis Charlie – Athènes” the organizers said that “no authoritarianism, no ideology, no invocation of religion, no violence will intimidate us to speak, write and paint what we want. Nobody can deny us the right to peacefully coexist with migrants, nobody can separate people who want to live in societies of reciprocity and common rules. We are not afraid!”.

The rendezvous was at the French Institute on Sina Street in down town Athens and on Stratou Avenue in Thessaloniki. Participators gathered to express their condolences and support to the French people. Many families, ordinary people and political figures were present.