


January 27, 2015

BUSTED: New Clip Proves That Western Mercenaries Are On The Ground in Mariupol (VIDEOS)

Amid the recent devastation in the area of Mariupol, (which was even more violent than before the truce was signed last year) a strange video clip has emerged on the web that appears to provide to prove without a shadow of a doubt that US military boots are on the ground in Ukraine.

It should be reminded that Kiev’s troops and Donbass militia forces are locked in renewed hostilities in southeastern Ukraine after a shaky ceasefire reached by the sides in September utterly collapsed. Ukrainian forces launched a massive offensive in mid-January, but failed to gain any ground despite employing tanks, artillery and aviation.

In the clip below, a Ukrainian journalist approaches what she thinks is a Ukrainian soldier (since he is wearing a Ukrainian military uniform and is carrying an AK rifle) and asked him as they run through the battle zone, "tell me, what happened here?"

His response, which requires no translation, speaks for itself. In a perfect American accent he states "out of my face, out of my face".

This clip raises many questions about the US involvement in the ongoing conflict in Ukraine. Which raises another question: Did the West also stage the Mariupol massacre as well?

Here is the controversial clip:

Obviously, and without a shadow of a doubt, this is Smoking Gun Evidence of Western mercenaries in Mariupol! HellasFrappe agrees with the commentator of the video who clearly states that the man obviously speaks fluent English and as we can all see he is wearing fatigues known to be worn by American and Western mercenaries. Obviously the man pictured in the video... is just part of the Western backed forces from all across the globe, including Australia and Canada!

Here is another clip:

Meanwhile, the Ukrainian government called for a state of emergency.
     "In accordance with the Ukrainian Code of Civil Protection, the Cabinet of Ministers has adopted a decision to recognize an emergency situation at a state level," Prime Minister Arseny Yatsenyuk announced was cited as saying by Interfax-Ukraine.
According to him, the move is aimed at providing the most efficient coordination of all government agencies in order to ensure civil protection and the safety of the population. The statement was made after the field meeting of the Cabinet of Ministers, which took place at the headquarters of the State Emergency Service of Ukraine in Kiev on Monday.

(Combined Reports - Youtube, Interfax)