


January 8, 2015

Angela Gerekou To New Democracy? - MAJOR FAIL Mr. Samaras

The wife of famed Tolis Voskopoulos, and former PASOK MP (and G.Papandreou favorite) Angela Gerekou, on Thursday announced that she is going to run with the conservative New Democracy party in the upcoming general elections.

Gerekou was an active member of junior coalition government partner PASOK since 2004, having been elected in Corfu. A few days she suddenly realized that PASOK wasn't her "thing" anymore so she decided to move to the conservative camp.

In her statement Gerekou notes that “the people demand a clear position, consistent stance and responsible attitude” and that she continues to “believe that cooperation and unity is the only path to reconstruction of the center left”. She explained that she united with “those who defend the need for a powerful third pole, with an enhanced position in a long-term cooperation government”.

The development has already angered conservatives and especially those who still support the Costas Karamanlis block. At the same time it has caused anger and frustration at PASOK, with a various officers arguing that it was a “despicable move” and that “it is inconceivable that Antonis Samaras will assume such a political cost”.

PASOK leader Evangelos Venizelos sent an open letter to New Democracy leader expressing his frustration while he slammed Gerekou's departure from PASOK.