


January 16, 2015

9,808,760 citizens to vote in the general elections

The Ministry of Interior on Friday announced that some 9,808,760 citizens are going to be eligible to vote in the upcoming general elections of January 25th, 5,060,877 of which are women and 4,747,883 are men.

According to formal statistics, the electoral body has been steady in the past few elections; 9,834,970 in the 2009 elections, 9,850,802 in the double elections of 2012 and 9,808,760 in 2015.

The electoral region with the greatest number of registered voters is Athens B with 1,428,759 voters, while the region with the least amount of registration is that of Lefkada with 29,152 voters.

A total of 273,941 citizens are about to vote for the first time (138,733 are men and 135,208 are women), of whom 224,272 came of age since the last election, while the remaining new voters deriving from naturalizations.

Since there previous elections in 2012, there are 49,660 more new voters from naturalizations; 13,595 acquired Greek citizenship in 2012 (after the elections, 18,479 acquired the citizenship in 2013 and 13,765 acquired it in 2014, prior to the review of electoral lists in early October.

The Ministry’s statistics show that the age group to have greatest impact is the “over 71” group, who are more than double the number of voters in the 42-47 age group. There are over 2 million voters over the age of 71, while barely 1 million voters aged 42 to 47.

There are about 900,000 voters in each of the 36 to 41, 48 to 53, 54 to 59 and 20 to 35 age groups. The 60 to 65 age group has about 825,000 voters; the 24-29 has about 725,000 voters, while the youngest group, 18-23, has about 672,000 voters.