


December 22, 2014

TRAGEDY - Burglars Beat, Rob And Burn Face Of Senior Citizen With Hot Iron !

Authorities have launched a manhunt for two males who on Sunday attacked and robbed an elderly couple in Evia after beating them and torturing them with a hot iron! According to reports, the crime took place in the town of Styra. While entering his home, a helpless elderly man was brutally attacked by two men who were wearing hoods.

Once inside, the thieves dragged him across the house and then tied both him and his wife hand and foot. The beating apparently caused a severe rib fracture to the man but his ordeal was unfortunately not over.

The burglars persistently asked the helpless couple to reveal where they kept their money and jewelry, but the couple did not respond so the robbers decided to torture the man by burning his face with an electric iron! Right after this occurred the two robbers fled with all the couples valuables.

Luckily the couple was discovered but their condition (especially the elderly man) was tragic, and therefore they were rushed to the Karystos hospital. The elderly woman was released, but the male is apparently in critical condition.

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