


December 21, 2014

Peristeri: Alexander Began From Amphipolis, Why Wouldn't He Return?

The head of the excavation team at Amphipolis, Katerina Peristeri said stunned listeners in Serres recently when she hinted in a radio interview that Alexander the Great began his campaign to conquer the East from Amphipolis, why would he not return to the same area?
     "Alexander the Great began his campaign from Amphipolis ... why wouldn't he return there?" 
The famed archaeologist might not know the identity of the skeleton that was found at the burial site, (or maybe she does and is not permitted to say so) in Greece, but she has been throwing a few hints here and there in various speeches abroad (or at least this is what some blogs are claiming).

The staff and management of HellasFrappe bets that the whole family is buried there, but we are not scientists and we don't have any inside information to prove our theory. Our hearts are driven on instinct and our logic tells us that a burial site that large can only be the site of a great king.

Listen to the radio interview. The disputed statement is at 27:21 into the interview.