


December 19, 2014

Guess Who Is Back? - Papandreou Hints At Establishing New Party

Several months ago HellasFrappe published a story claiming that former PASOK leader and ex-Prime Minister George Papandreou was creeping his way back into the political scene. The story, which was based on various reports in the Greek press, noted that he would be modeling this party after the US Democratic party.

(No surprises there since he is a personal friend of the war-mongering Clintons). 

Some characterized our story as a conspiracy but a couple of days ago Papandreou openly hinted (or rather announced) that he was going to create a new political party; and what's more, he even called out to his supporters (at SYRIZA) to become active and begin a self-organizing on a grassroots level.

Papandreou, who has clearly distanced himself from current PASOK leader Evangelos Venizelos, also dismissed his goal to turn the party into the “third pole” of the political system that would guarantee national stability. He flat out rejects Venizelos’ efforts in developing the Democratic Faction and instead believes in what he says is a “post-clientele Greece,(or) a Greece of values”.

Nice words wouldn't you agree? They somehow sound ridiculous when they are being blurted out by a man who overthrew the last democratically elected Prime Minister Greece ever had (or Costas Karamanlis) with the sole purpose of throwing our country into the arms of the IMF. Every PM since then has been selected by the "establishment".

PASOK, which is obviously paying for its undisputed political sins, is not expected to do well in the next national elections, so everyone in the party now is seeking his or her own personal survival.

In this internal war Papandreou made his intentions clear in his speech in Kozani:
     “All of us who share the same values must take things in our hands. A grassroots movement. We must organize ourselves, network and not expect a solution from the indigenous or outside saviors”.
After many months of bitter sweat comments, leaks and separating himself from his party’s current leadership, it looks like Papandreou has finally cast the dice.

He forgets of course that he has to square off with the people of Greece first and at the present moment there are very few who actually openly support him. There is of course a large portion of former PASOK supporters that went on to SYRIZA (or as we all call them the 'bad PASOK'), but will Papandreou win them back?

It is highly unlikely, but he will certainly slash SYRIZA's numbers. (Some reports are claiming that it may be in the area of 5-6 percent).

But before he can do anything, Papandreou has an obligation to everyone who supported him with the government of the country and he most certainly has to admit and recognize his own serious responsibilities for today’s political and economic situation.

He is not blameless, as he likes to believe and he has no right to constantly pin the responsibility for the decay of the once-mighty PASOK on his successor. Papandreou's choices and tactics were a major contribution to PASOK’s erosion as well as the total dismantling of Greece.

Papandreou may carry a historic name, but he forgets that leaders are judged by their actions and politics.

Editor's Note: We do not know who is worse (Papandreou or Venizelos), in our opinion they are one in the same. The only difference is that one clearly works in favor of US interests while the other uses his fat tongue to slurp around the leaders in Brussels. Papandreou's supporters -or the 'bad PASOK' is presently "parked" at SYRIZA since this party was only at 3% two elections ago. So could Papandreou's move to establish a new party actually be in the program? Obviously Venizelos and Papandreou are not the best of friends, but in the long-term his move might actually help the conservatives rid themselves of the Simitis block -which is clearly represented from Venizelos- once and for all. Let us not forget that the Simitis clan was the most corrupt government to have ever ruled this country and most of the economic woes that Greece is facing today are a result of Costas Simitis' term in government. Papandreou and Simitis have never been on the best of terms, but GAP would never undermine the party that was created by his own father. So what are the real reasons behind his move? We are guessing that the first reason is about POWER. The Papandreou family believes that it deserves to rule - much like monarchies do. Three generations of Papandreous in power proves this theory in a flash, Secondly PASOK owes a lot of money to the banks so if Papandreou creates a new party it can market it as somehting new and fresh.  -Basically it will not have skeletons in its closet like PASOK does which obligates Papandreou to acknowledge his political responsibilities for Greece's present economic state, it will attempt to step away from PASOK's unprecendeted poltical and economic scandals and best of all it will not owe one penny to the banks- Can Papandreou's move actually benefit the present government? It just might, after all it is presently trailing behind SYRIZA by 3.6 percent -in the latest opinion polls- and from what we learn Papandreou could slice off at least 5-6 percent from SYRIZA if he formed the party before the next general elections. This would indeed benefit the conservatives, but this will also mean that Papandreou will be back in the political scene! There is a downfall to all of this as well. If you check the recent opinion polls then you will see that PASOK might not even make it into the next Parliament because it is already barely at 3 percent. If Papandreou forms his party then many PASOK-ers will also defect to his party and leave Mr. submarine scandal Venizelos with less than 3 percent and a bankrupted PASOK. This should concern the conservatives since the Simitis clan will then seek refuge in the conservative party. If this happens, get ready for a roller coaster ride between Samaras supporters and Karamallikoi (supporters of Costas Karamanlis). - They are already at the edge of war as it is-. Why should we care? Well we the people will get stuck with their bank debts and this is definitely something that should concern all of us. The only thing that we are convinced about is that Papandreou's move is not being done out of patriotism to Greece because this man has proven time and time again that he does not have Greece's interests at heart. With the issue of the EEZ at hand and with Greece intent of shedding itself of the resource sucking IMF we can only conclude that there are a lot of interests at stake and the "establishment" has once again sent in their man to do the job!  Stay tuned.