


November 11, 2014

Hey psst... Wanna buy Some Oregano? Officials Crack Down On Illegal Herb Trafficking

If you thought the trafficking of narcotics, illegal immigrants, women, cheap labor, arms and energy fuel were the norm, think again. Greek officials patrolling the border with Albania have now been called to also deal with illegal herb smuggling!

According to a report by AFP, citizens from several villages that are close to the Greek-Albanian border alerted Greek authorities on this illegal trade, which they say primarily takes place at a high altitude.
     “We discovered a camp in the middle of the mountains and more than a dozen Albanian pickers at work” police officer Christos Mousafidis told the news agency, and added that mules were standing on the ready to transport the harvest. 
If you live in Greece, then you would smirk at the remarks that were made by the villagers because it is a well known fact that Albanians smuggle quite a few "green herbs" in and out of the country but these herbs are not used in Greek salad but are rather used for smoking funny looking cigarettes, nonetheless the story is true, and from what it looks like there is definitely a problem.

Quoting the Greek police, the report claims that 4.5 tonnes of a type of sage were getting loaded to leave for neighbouring Albania. It also revealed that illegal herb pickers have also been arrested in Tripoli, Arkadia (in the Peloponnese), with a load of 200kgs of wild oregano.

How ridiculous can some get in order to make a fast buck? The only thing that some foreigners have not looted from this country is the seawater. Or have they? Hmm...

Reference: AFP