


October 15, 2014

PROVOCATION: Proposal For “Republic of Upper Macedonia” for FYROM Angers Greeks!

According to a report in the Skopje-based Sloboden Pecat newspaper, UN mediator for the FYROM issue Matthew Nimetz, is getting set to submit a new proposal over the name dispute. The newspaper, which claims to cite “well-informed sources” said in a report that the diplomat will suggest the name “Republic of Upper Macedonia” for the former Yugoslav country, while the domestic language would be referred to as “Macedonian” and its citizens as the “people of Upper Macedonia”.

The report notes that FYROM’s present constitution would not change, which basically means that the international name would not be used domestically.

The author of the report says that the leadership in FYROM is pleased with its language being referred to as “Macedonian”, but is concerned about the term of its people - which would be the “people of Upper Macedonia”.

Nimetz is said to present his latest proposal first to Greece, before pressuring the FYROM government into an agreement.

In a separate report in the Skopje-based Utrinski Vesnik newspaper it was reported that Nimetz had taken the initiative to resume negotiations between Greece and FYROM in October, however this has been postponed. The author in this article hints that neither side is in a rush to discuss the matter.

There are already rumors that some efforts to resolve the dispute will be made prior to the EU summit in December of this year (and we already know that Germany wants this issue resolved).

We here at HellasFrappe firmly believe that the name "Northern" or "Upper" cannot and MUST NOT ever be accepted. If it is, then FYROM would go about its business globally using this name. In no time, the international community would be left with the impression that eventually the north and the south should unite (just like Kissinger and Soros intend for it to do).

This is something that cannot -AND MUST NEVER- happen for national, historical and geostrategic reasons!

For one if Greece accepts the term "Northern" or "Upper" Macedonia then we will open an EU and NATO door to FYROM and we kid you not in a few short months FYROM will shed itself of the term "Northern" or "Upper" and just keep the term "Macedonia", just like the Jordanians did after WWII when the British established the "Transjordan" Republic. If you read up on this country's history you will see that when the "Transjordanian" parliament held its first anniversary -only one year after this state was established-  it decided to eliminate the historically weak identification "Trans" and simply keep the name "Jordan".

Who assures us that FYROM will get a slap on the butt for making a corresponding move after they finally snatch our signature?

The UN?


By sending an army so that they can force them to respect the terms of the agreement?

That is laughable!

Obviously this cannot happen because if this ever did then the UN would have already banished "Attila" from the divided island of Cyprus ages ago!

For Greece, and people of Greek decent worldwide, the issue of the FYROM name dispute is not only a national issue, but also a matter of dignity and pride. Greeks must never allow this to happen. We cannot allow our leaders to make concessions of any sort because we have been weakened economically, not only for the reasons listed above but also because this will immediately be exploited by some of our "other" neighbors who have their tentacles in other regions of Greece.

The Greek Diaspora must be united on this issue, and finally show the world that we respect, defend and honor this country and its rich history, its cultural diversity and its heritage. That is why we have to ignore any type of name that refers to Macedonia and only accept this regions true name which is Vardar.

Our advice to Mr. Nimetz is to propose the "Republic of Vardar". This will be gladly welcomed by the Greek people... because quite simply Macedonia is, was and WILL ALWAYS be Greek.

We base our arguments on the following stories which have been featured on HellasFrappe

George Soros, Eastern Europe, The Balkans, FYROM And The Spread of a New World Order

SOROS STRIKES AGAIN - Skopje Irredentist Claims - Says 700,000 FYROManians Living in Greece

PROVOCATION - FYROM Diplomat Promoting Map of United Macedonia on Facebook