The article, which clearly speaks to voters of the center, says that if the left wants to claim a significant role in Greek political life then it must expand its horizons and decide on whether or not Greece is an integral part of Europe. And what is worse, it condemns some party members for not realising this, but hails Alexis who it said has a better understanding of things.
The guy spoke at the “Forum of Como”, at the posh Villa d’Este and some of the participants at this event included names such as Barroso, Monti, Almunia Asmousen, Trichet, etc. (in other words, representatives of the European Neoliberal \Establishment).
The forum is held every autumn in the famous Villa d’Este resort which in 2009 was declared by Forbes magazine as being the best hotel in the world! And Tsipras represented Greece among other heavy names such as the former Prime Minister of Italy Enrico Letta and Mario Monti, the former European Commission President Jose Manuel Barroso, the banker Jean Claude Trichet, the German Minister Jörg Asmussen, and Commissioners Joaquín Almunia and Michel Barnier. Just check out the luxury setting.
Alexis still wants Greek citizens to to believe that he is fighting for the weak and the poor when he is clearly and without a doubt getting into bed with liberals?
Are you kidding us!
They must be fluffing his image up like they did with George Papandreou. The only thing is that at least George knew how to speak English, whereas Tsipras does not!
Check out where Mr. I am a Leftist but with a Right pocket stayed!
Aside from the obvious there is also something else that bothered us about this meeting in northern Italy. Frappers, when some the top names in European political life get together at a secluded hotel at one of the most expensive and luxurious resorts in the world to discuss global security, then expect them another hush, hush Bilderberg-type meeting that is brainstorming on events to come.
Our guess is that aside from the speeches that were made, there was also a lot of talks behind closed doors. Why do we believe that? And why are we here at HellasFrappe convinced that the meeting also had something to do with Europe's relations with Russia and the Middle East. Well guess who else attended this exclusive event? It was none other than US warmonger John McCain himself. He was actually interviewed by the BBC at the site and if one wanted to come to a conclusion on what all these neoliberals were talking about behind closed doors at this meeting then all you have to do is watch the video below. SHOCKING!
So can we safely assume that Tsipras is getting into bed with war mongers? Strong statement but then again if you actually watched the second video with John McCain then you too will wonder the same thing. A conference which discusses global security and includes names such as McCain who is steadfast on getting boots on the ground in Syria and in Iraq is a NO NO for Greek politicians. Greece has to stay neutral to all the events which are unfolding in the Middle East because they are occurring in our neighborhood!
We slammed George Papandreou many times about siding with other neocon war mongers such as George Soros and the Clintons, and from what we see Tsipras is following his lead. Papandreou may have given speeches about defending the rights of the poor and desperate people of Greece but yet he was commpletely comfortable about renting a luxury apartment in Manhattan next to Lady Gaga!
Seriously...! How much more garbage do we have to digest?
Now we know that the Greek media is corrupt, but are they that wicked? Would they suddenly flip-flop and begin prepping up Tsipras to govern us because they too belong to the same necon group of war mongering buffoons who only endorse the defence industry, the city of London, Soros and WallStreet?
Lol... bet your heads are shaking up and down.
Frappers... it looks like it is going to be pretty interesting autumn. Stay tuned.
HellasFrappe Team