


July 7, 2014

No Surprises Here - 4 Out of 5 Of All Greek Elite Are Tax Evaders

The following news story should really come as no surprise because we already know that the one percent in Greece feeds off the misery of the middle and lower class. Nonetheless, the news that an agency discovered that only 20 in 100 offshore audits actually paid their taxes for their properties, is still kind of shocking.

Audit Authority for Taxpayers with Great Wealth recently revealed an enormous tax evasion. In an announcement it said that more than 1,200 folders concerning tax evasion cases reveal that only one out to five of all those who have lots of money had actually declared their true income and paid the relative taxes. And it gets better. In order to reach to this conclusion, governments lost four years during which they did nothing to address the issue and valuable time was lost. Nonetheless, some things are changing and those who have remained untouched till now will soon have to face the State and/or justice.

According to, Audit Authority for Taxpayers with Great Wealth began working intensively and completed 500 audits of taxpayers with great wealth (as opposed to just 50 completed in the past two years).

So far, the percentage in tax evasion exceeds 80%.