


June 17, 2014

Shocking Report/Statistics On The Wages of A Typical Greek Worker

An incredible study that was conducted by GSEE’s Institute of Labor, and which was featured in the Ta Nea newspaper, reveals that more than 1,200,000 employees in Greece's private sector delays in the payment of their wages that can span from 3 to12 months, while in retail about a third of these employees are even paid with food coupons, or are given items for their labor instead of cash (or in lieu of actual money).

The situation for people under age of 25 is even more dramatic. The study literally documented cases of daily wages of 2.25 euros, and what's more  about 1,000,000 employees do not even receive any holiday benefits of any sort.

Basically many employers are providing workers with payment of goods and/or services such as free accommodation in hotel lodgings or free daily meals instead of cold cash. Many cases have been reported with supermarket employees, but the phenomenon, according to Ta Nea is not restricted to supermarkets but also to other businesses in the retail sector who pay up to one third of their employees’ monthly salaries in the form of supermarket coupons.

In other words, some idiotic employers turned to alternative methods of compensating workers in Greece by manipulating the current economic crisis. They claim that they have an inability to pay wages and Greek workers are so desperate to work that they actually accept these conditions.

This is a direct manipulation of the current debt crisis from the Greek mini elite, and workers who fall victim to this type of behavior should report it  to authorities right away.

If you are a foreigner in Greece who has currently fallen victim to such behaviour keep in mind that there are laws against this type of behavior and those engaging in such practises can be penalized heavily if they do not reform. You have rights and you should execute your rights, so our best advice to all of you is to stay informed.