
June 6, 2014

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One More Golden Dawn MP Placed Under Arrest

Golden Dawn MP Dimitris Koukoutsis was placed under house arrest and a 24-hour police surveillance, following his marathon testimony to the public prosecutor on Friday. Exiting the prosecutor's office, he described the judicial process as "flawless" but added it was no time for celebrations.
     "We have our leader and other comrades in jail, our people are getting poorer, our country is getting poorer," the state news agency quoted him as saying.
Koukoutsis is only going to be permitted to go to a hospital to treat his medical condition, or to parliament, when it is needed. He is also forbidden from leaving the country. 

Koukoutsis, whose testimony lasted for eight hours, is facing charges of joining and directing a criminal organisation, together with other five party MPs.

Earlier this week, the Greek Parliament voted to lift the immunity from three Golden Dawn MPs, inluding the party leader.

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