


June 4, 2014

INSIDE SCOOP - Simitis' Right Hand Man "Tsoukatos" To Return to PASOK! - MUST READ

The following story is an exclusive report -and major bombshell- that was featured on Newsbomb. 

According to the news site, one of Evangelos Venizelos' successes is the alleged return of none other than Theodoros Tsoukatos. The site claims that he will return to PASOK as a secret adviser to Evangelo the Large and informally coordinate PASOK's "headquarters" in view of developments in the socialist party in the run up to its party conference this coming autumn.

Frappers, this is MAJOR NEWS if true and something that should not go unnoticed by all of us.

Let us explain why.

For those of you who don't know, Tsoukatos is Costas Simitis' right-hand man. He is a PASOK lawmaker that was charged with bribery and money laundering in connection with a corruption investigation involving Siemens AG. The charges against him concern a donation -equivalent to more than $700,000- which he publicly admitted that he received from the German industrial company in 1999 and channeled to the coffers of the then-ruling PASOK party.

On its part, PASOK said that had no record of receiving the funds, but then again this should be expected because when this scandal broke out several years ago it was also alleged that the socialists kept a set of double books.

Another 10 people — including Tsoukatos' former police guard — faced the same charges. According to the press reports at the time, these PASOK officials apparently facilitated the cash transfer of the specific installment (and God knows how many before and after). Today everyone in Greece knows that Siemens paid state officials bribes to secure contracts for telecoms and security ahead of the 2004 Athens Olympic Games, the trouble is the Simitis clan is still alive and kicking. And till this day, justice is still pondering over this issue, so many years after the admission, unlike its hasty and quick decision on other politicians (such as the Golden Dawn party).

So let us repeat: Tsoukatos was a Socialist lawmaker, and the closest man/aid/adviser to Costas Simitis in the period 2000-2004.

If you believed that Tsoukatos was demobilized after his connection with Siemens was uncovered, then think again. Till this day he has not served one day in jail, even though he openly and publicly admitted that he accepted a bribe!

If the news from newsbomb is true, then it is a warning sign that the flow of black money from Siemens to PASOK is continuing. And even though he will act as a silent adviser he will nonetheless be back in the game in doing what he has always done best.

Newsbomb even claims that Tsoukatos actively participated in the recent triple elections, in an effort to promote Venizelos' new Olive Tree party by giving Evangelos advice, making suggestions and organizing support for PASOK nationwide!

The news site also notes that Tsoukatos maintains very good relations with former PASOK officials that formed the gang of "58", since many of them (such as politicians like Bistis, Drettas etc.) were some of the advocators of Simitis' government when Tsoukatos was at the peak of his power.

(Editor's Note: Certainly the news is shocking, but we should also be grateful that it was made public, because it once again vindicates our opinion of Evanjello the Large who we all know is corrupt to the core. It also supports our opinion about the PASOK which time and time again only proves to us that it has and will always be one of the worse criminal organizations this country has ever known. Finally it also proves that our judiciary system is controlled by the same wannabe technocrats).

Reference in Greek - newsbomb