


May 21, 2014

PROVOCATION - Two Turkish Navy Vessels Violate Greek Territorial Waters

According to press reports, not one but two Turkish Navy vessels violated Greek territorial waters on Tuesday. More precisely the Turkish frigate “Turgut Reis” illegally entered Greek territorial waters at 13:43 and then made its way to the islands of Evia and Andros. The Turkish frigate then took a southerly course at 17:50 ending up near the island of Kythnos.

While this was going on, the Turkish missile boat “Bora” entered Greek territorial waters at 13:21 and ended up being spotted north of the island of  Naxos. It then moved westward at 15:24 and apparently spent two hours in Greek territorial waters before returning to the Turkish coast.

The National Defence General Staff said later in the day that the Turkish vessels were participating in the “Beyaz Firtina 2014” navy exercise.
On its part, the Greek Ministry of National Defense said that Greek Navy vessels monitored the Turkish ships throughout their navigation, but of course there was never any word as to why these vessels violated Greek waters to begin with.

It is very alarming knowing that our political leaders do not act against such provocations.

Can a ship sail to Rhode Island in the US without being blasted by some American warship? Can a Russian warship cruise around Manhattan without giving the Americans a reason for being there? Wouldn't this trigger a war? Would this or would this not be inconceivable?

The answer is obvious.

So then why are we as a society not blasting these provocations from Turkey and why is our government not using these actions against Turkey in organizations such as the United Nations and/or NATO. With what right does Turkey tread and sail into Greek territorial waters. We must learn to ask more questions Frappers, because by ignoring such provocations we are merely setting ourselves up for the revival of the Ottoman Empire.