


May 27, 2014

Greek Law Students Win Over Harvard Students At World Moot Court

This year, more than 100 teams signed up to deepen their understanding of WTO law and practice their skills outside of the lecture halls of their universities, in an international environment. The teams worked extremely hard for their success.

Preparation for EMCC meant hours of studying, researching, questioning and having a high level of determination. The team from the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, Greece was shining in the WTO Headquarters and won the 12th edition of the ELSA Moot Court Competition! The runner up was the team from the Harvard Law School. Sincere congratulations to both  and all the teams that challenged themselves and applied for this edition!

 (The students are: Anna Ventouratos, Persephone Vernadou, Panayiotis Theodoropoulos and Panayiotis Kyriakou.)

With some 117 participating universities, the 20 best teams went to the World Trade Organization (WTO) headquarters in Geneva, Switzerland to plead for the last time; of those, the two finalists were the teams from the Athens Law School and Harvard Law School.

In order to reach the finals, the team had to beat teams from the American University, Washington and Rhodes University (South Africa), the University of Hong Kong, and in the semifinals they competed with the team from the University of Amsterdam