In New Democracy’s latest campaign ad none other than the US President can be heard saying, “the Greek people see a light at the end of the tunnel.”
It would be nice, if it only it were true.
As it turned out Barack Obama didn’t actually say that. And no amount of wishful thinking will change the fact that the majority of Greeks have yet to be convinced that the country has indeed turned a corner. With the economy still shrinking and unemployment sky-high the outlook for most Greeks remains as bleak as ever.
According to the survey conducted by Public Issue, 7 out of 10 Greeks said that they are unhappy with the lives that they are living today. Furthermore they continue when asked how they feel about their future ‘in the coming years’ only 26% responded that they felt ‘secure’. A whopping 71% said they felt insecure.
Greeks personal finances are also in dire straits with 73% saying that their financial situation had worsened. Only 3% of respondents said that their financial situation had improved.
Almost 1 in 2 Greeks also believe that unemployment (currently hovering around 27%) will get worse over the next 12 months. 28% predicted that it would remain steady, whereas only 23% believe that the unemployment rate will fall in the next year.
Press Project