


April 29, 2014

Oh Brother - George Soros backed Amnesty Int.'l Against Greece on issue of illegal immigrants

The George Soros backed Amnesty International organization once again published a report regarding the issue of illegal trafficking. Basically, the organization is once again trying to ridicule Greece over its handling of the illegal flows of immigration into the country, which it says are refugees seeking a better life in Europe and it has called on the European Union to impose sanctions for direct violations of international human rights obligations.

According to the report, Greece’s treatment of refugees and immigrants on the borders is “deplorable”, because Greek authorities are doing the unbelievable... which is protecting our boarders from foreign invaders. The report says that the violence, intimidation and humiliation tactics used by Greek authorities have become widespread and are routine practices, but it never once notes that all these flows of people are a result of human trafficking.
     "The people carrying out these push-backs are state agents. As such, the Greek authorities bear full responsibility for their actions. The authorities must openly acknowledge and ensure an end to the illegal and often dangerous practice of push-backs."
Correct us if we are wrong here at HellasFrappe but we understand that Amnesty International does not want us to guard our boarders like we should be doing, but greet all the illegal immigrants who illegally invade our country with open arms. We should welcome them into Greece with champagne and caviar and then roll a red carpet for them to go on into Europe.

The claims from this particular organization against Greece are ridiculous. Firstly they clearly support the illegal movement of humans, or human trafficking. Secondly, why are they not condemning Turkish slave traders who ship off all these immigrants into Greece with rotting boats? Is Greece responsible for this as well?

Following the findings of the first report, "Greece: Fortress Europe: human rights abuses at the border between Greece and Turkey, July 2013" Amnesty International has collected almost 95,000 signatures from across Europe and Israel that urged Greek authorities to immediately end what they claimed was repression to illegal immigrants.

But don't you find it strange that they have never once collected signatures that will force Turkish slave traders and Ankara to end all this illegal human trafficking by weeding out and arresting all of those involved in this inhumane activity? Seriously, everyone knows that Turkey has transformed into a transit country for the illegal movement of humans and HellasFrappe has addressed this issue on more than one occasion. We have even featured stories from Turkish reporters who have not only raised this issue in their country and revealed astonishing information, but they have also questioned the motives behind all this activity to their own government.

The name "Amnesty International" might sound nice and pleasant to the ear, but do not let it fool you. The organizations that are funded and/or supported by people such as George Soros have specific political agendas and although they have fluffy names that are pleasant to the ear they clearly serve other purposes. We are certain that when this organization began it probably wanted to bring about change, but as with many other organizations and/or people it then received dirty money from George Soros' foundations and therefore had to bow to a different agenda. Today we pity this organization for claiming that it still advocates for human rights, when it is more than evident that the only thing that they are actually rallying for is human slavery and/or human trafficking.