


April 9, 2014

HERE WE GO AGAIN - Gov't To Bring Anti-racism bill To Parliament

Not suprisingly, and following the resignation of one of the Samaras government's leading political allies (Panagiotis Baltakos) press reports are now claiming that the government is planning on once again bringing the controversial anti-racism bill to Parliament in order to be discussed. The current anti-racism bill -as outlined in the Greek constitution- is sufficient enough to safeguard the rights of minorities, but this is not sufficient enough for some political parties in Greece who suspiciously side with George Soros international foundations that continually condemn Greece over human rights violations.

The government has attempted to bring this bill to Parliament twice in the past because of pressure from the (Soros) backed DIMAR party, as well as all the other Left-wing parties including PASOK, but the majority of MPS in Antonis Samaras' government always rejected it. It should be reminded that this controversial bill wants to ignore two historical periods in Greek history: The genocides of Greeks in Asia Minor and Pontus. This alone... should anger all of us, and inspire us as Hellenes to condemn this Greek leftist anti-Hellenic stance and join forces so that we can continue to remind the world of these two historical tragedies.

Following the announcement that the bill would once again be submitted (and quite coincidentally we might add..., the Soros backed) Amnesty International published a report on the violent racist attacks against Roma in the Czech Republic, France and Greece and the failure by Europe to effectively address this issue.

The report, apparently entitled "We Ask for Justice" Europe’s Failure to Protect Roma from Racist Violence, claims that about 250,000 to 350,000 Roma live in Greece and have experienced discrimination and racist abuse for many generations. Of course there is no reference to how much violence and/or crime is endured by the Greek population by the Roma community -steeling of steel cables, robberies, drug trafficking- nor does it touch base on the subject of child trafficking - something that the Roma communities in the Balkans have been internationally accused of.

The only thing that Amnesty International concerns itself with is the well-being of Roma in Europe and the so called pogrom-like attacks which it actually claims have increased in recent years.

With the report, which even dares to include first-hand reports and examples of racist attacks against Roma in Greece, Amnesty International has called upon the EU governments to take greater and more focused measures to curb and eradicate the discrimination and violence against Roma throughout Europe.

The report simply vindicates everything we have said time and time again here at HellasFrappe about these wannabe humanitarian organizations. We should all view them with a suspicious eye, and always view whatever they say with a grain of salt.