


April 9, 2014

Conspiracy or Truth - SHOCK - “Prepare For Doomsday” New Russian Report Warns


A shocking new report prepared by the Main Intelligence Directorate (GRU) of the Ministry of Defense circulating in the Kremlin on Wednesday is advising all Ministries to “prepare for doomsday” as fears grow about the Western worlds response to the expected collapse of the global banking system later this month that Edward Snowden documents have revealed is a “staged event” the Obama regime has been secretly planning and refers to as “The Grand Cardinal Cross Crisis.”

Important to note, and as we had previously reported on in an earlier report titled February 15 “Catastrophe” Warned Will Shake Entire World, the GRU had warned that a “catastrophe” was being engineered by the Obama regime within a fortnight of February 15 in order to establish some type of “new world economic order” prior to the coming global meltdown of markets and massive bank failures, some of which had already begun.

Though scoffed at and ridiculed in early February by many in the West, the February 2 GRU warning of a “catastrophe that will shake the entire world” was proven accurate when on February 18 some 20,000 Euromaidan protesters in Kiev advanced on Ukraine's parliament leading to that nations February 22nd coup that overthrew its democratically elected government and as has plunged the world into an ever growing status of near total war.

Recent documents proving the Obama regimes overthrow of Ukraine’s government were released by the RSN News service this past week, and who in their article titled Meet the Americans Who Put Together the Coup in Kiev, again, prove the GRU warnings and assessments 100% accurate.

Interesting to note in this new GRU report are its references to an Edward Snowden document titled “The Grand Cardinal Cross Crisis” which Russian intelligence analysts believe refers to an extremely rare astrological alignment due to take place this month called The Grand Cardinal Cross which begins with a “Full Blood Moon” eclipse on April 14/15.

Even though the GRU in this report discounts the “astrological significance” of this astral event, it does note that many Westerners believe The Grand Cardinal Cross is a harbinger of global war and chaos and further notes that one of America’s most famed astrologers, Susan Miller, in a January interview with The Guardian News Service, stated, “April's so scary I'm giving classes on it.”

What appears, however, to be the more accurate explanation as to why this Edward Snowden document is named “The Grand Cardinal Cross Crisis,” this report continues, are that the dates associated with this astral event appear to mirror the dates expected to be significant in an Obama regime engineered global banking collapse, and include:
  • April 8th Sun opposes Mars
  • April 11th Venus conjuncts Neptune
  • April 14th Mercury squares Jupiter, Mercury conjuncts Uranus, Pluto goes stationary direct at 7:44 p.m. EST
  • April 15th full moon lunar eclipse 25 degrees Libra, Mercury squares Pluto
  • April 16th Mercury opposes Mars
  • April 20th Jupiter squares Uranus, opposes Pluto
  • April 21st Uranus squares Pluto
  • April 22nd Mars squares Jupiter
  • April 23rd Mars opposes Uranus, squares Pluto
  • April 25th Sun conjuncts Mercury
  • April 28-29 Solar eclipse 8 degrees Taurus
  • May 2nd Mercury opposes Saturn
This report further notes that a “typical” Western astrological explanation of The Grand Cardinal Cross event is:
      “Normally when you’re going through difficult times and you go discuss it with an astrologer, there will be one or two major transits causing trouble. In this case though, it’s a four-car pile-up of potential grief, and figuring out which way to approach the mess can be tricky.
As to if a “four-car pile-up of potential grief” is, indeed, awaiting the global banking system because of the Obama regimes plot against it, this report warns, there appears to be “no doubt” as top US economist, and CNBC commentator, Dennis Gartman, echoed astrologer Susan Miller’s fears of April saying he was “scared” and was getting out of equities and sticking with cash and gold to ride out the coming storm.

Gartman, the GRU notes, is not alone either, as all of the top Western oligarchs have now left the markets and are further warning anyone who hears to “prepare for massive wealth destruction.”

As to why these Western oligarchs have fled the markets, including US billionaires Warren Buffett, John Paulson and George Soros, this report says, is because they have “become aware of specific research that points toward a massive market correction, as much as 90%.”

Not being warned of this coming “doomsday,” this report concludes, are the average American people who new reports this week show are now paying more taxes to the Obama regime ruling their nation than what they spend on housing, food and clothing combined, and are, also, being subjected to the worse type of tyranny as new documents have revealed that the NSA is now using their mainstream  news services (NBC,CBS,FOX, CNN, New York Times, Washington Post, etc.) to spread propaganda and silences dissent.

Note: Other Conspiracy or Truth articles explaining the Crisis In Ukraine, Russian-EU relations, the revival of the Cold War, the mystery surrounding the Malaysian plane disappearance, as well as all the threats that were made from the Saudis to the Russians, etc -and how all these stories more or less tie into one another-  include: Furious Putin Orders “Project Double Eagle” To Destroy US, EU EconomiesMalaysia Flight 370 Pilot Confirmed As CIA “Asset” As Plane Exploded Over Indian OceanRussia “Puzzled” Over Malaysia Airlines “Capture” By US Navy,  Obama In Shock After US Oil Giant Sides With Putin; Declares “No Ukraine War” , Was Ukraine’s Gold Reserves Secretely Confiscated by the New York Federal Reserve?,  Putin In “Fury” After Saudis Brand Obama Regime Terrorist Organization,  ,Putin Orders Massive War Moves To Protect Iraq After Saudi Threats,  Putin Orders Largest Air Defense Drill In History As War Fears Accelerate,  Putin Orders Russian Troops And Ministries To Atomic Shelters Over NATO Threat Of War,  800,000 Ukrainian Refugees Flood Into Russia As Nazi Forces Continue Eastern March, Putin Sends Feared Shock Troops, Division Into Ukraine, Warns Obama Is “Unstable”,  Putin Orders Military Alert To Defend Ukraine Against Western-Backed Fascists,  Ukrainian Mob Call To “Kill All Jews” Horrifies Russia,  Russian Threat Of War Over Ukraine Stuns Obama,  US In “Shock And Turmoil” After Snowden Info Lets Russia Tap Top Obama Officials,  Is Super Bowl 9/11 "Staged Warning" Setting Up A False Flag?,

Sorcha Faal?”.]