


March 20, 2014

Greek Employers Now Obligated To Submit Payroll Data Since 1943

Were you a shop employee or involved in brewing during the second world war in Greece? If so, the authorities are looking for evidence that you've been paying into your pension fund for the past 70 years.

Accountants in a number of business sectors are baffled by a demand from a newly established pension fund to submit payroll data from as far back as 1943, when the country was under wartime occupation and the government apparatus under the control of a collaborationist regime in Athens.

As reported in Eleftherotypia, the United Supplementary Pension Fund (ETEA) says it wants details on total payroll information and associated contribution payments from 1943 to November 2013 for all those who paid into the old supplementary pension funds for shopkeepers, winemakers and brewers, preschool owners, naval employees and employees in the chemical industry,

The fund, which has asked for the payroll data to be submitted in electronic form, says it wants to ensure that the supplementary pension payments to individuals are in line with what they contributed during their working lives.

During a meeting between a group representing accountants and the ETEA's director, it emerged that information from the banks on payments into the shop employees fund is kept in large sacks.
