


March 15, 2014

ALERT - Greek Officials Warn Against Eating Bitter Almonds, Apricot Kernels

The Greek Health Ministry on Friday issued a warning regarding the consumption of bitter almonds and apricot kernels following reports from the Poison Control Center at the Aglaia Kyriakou Children’s Hospital of a spike in cyanide poisoning cases in the past six months.

According to an article in Kathimerini, the bitter almonds and apricot kernels sold at supermarkets and health food stores and which are advertised as having antioxidant properties are contaminated.

The ministry warned that consuming more than 10 pieces a day can cause poisoning, alerting consumers to warning signs such as stomach ache, nausea, vomiting and shortness of breath.

The Hellenic Food Authority has been informed and is expected to take steps to have the products removed from shelves.