
February 3, 2014

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SYRIZA Announces District Candidates for Municipal Elections

The main opposition SYRIZA party held its vote on the candidates who are expected to represent the party in the 13 districts in this year's municipal elections in May.

A part of the Left Platform apparently objected to SYRIZA’s support of the candidacy of the former PASOK and DIMAR MP Odysseas Voudouris for the Peloponnesian district, the mayor of Leipsi Benetos Spyros for the South Aegean district and journalist Theodoros Karypidis for the district of Western Macedonia.

In his speech, the so-called leader of SYRIZA's Left Platform, Panagiotis  Lafazanis, said that the potential selection of politicians who voted for the first bailout in parliament, paving the way for catastrophe and neo-colonization, and later voted in favor of the coalition government’s policies, is contradictory to SYRIZA’s founding conference and sends "a wrong (or rather mixed) message to the people”.

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